Chapter 10

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Gabriel's (Jr.) POV:

The guilt and anxiety was eating away at me. I was in so much pain from my emotions that I was in bed for three days straight. I only ever got out to go the the bathroom. I was a fake and a liar. I had done horrible, horrible things that I couldn't take back. I had to live with the mistakes and just the thought was killing me inside.

I held the blade above the pale, fleshy skin of my wrist. The veins curled along my arms as if it were a map to my heart. Without a second thought, I pushed the blade against my skin. I pulled it along, tearing and ripping away the skin. White, shimmery blood pooled from the cut and spilt over the edges of skin. Trails of blood ran down my arm. I was used to this feeling and I had learnt to feel nothing at all.

Like always, the skin pulled back together and the wound sealed shut. With an angry sigh, I tossed the knife on my bed. I have cut myself millions of times and the wound just closed up as if it never happened. It was frustrating. The deeper I cut, the more I think I have finally ended my misery, but the wound closes. Every time I tried, I got the same results. A wise man once said, "Insanity is trying the same thing over and over and expecting different results."

I was fully aware of my insanity, but that didn't stop me. Not even a scar was left to remind me of my attempts. I was in misery and pain. I guess some part of me believed dying was the easiest answer. That was stupid because:

1. Dying would never solve my problems. I need to be strong and fight through the difficult. Even if I could't do that, trying would be better than quitting.

2. I couldn't leave Moe behind.

3. I was immortal.

It was true, I loved Moe with my entire being. She was the bright side of my day, the only thing keeping me going. Her gentle touch, her bright smile and her ever-lasting happiness. When I first came to that school, Moe was the first and only one to approach me. I was determined to be alone and she was determined to be my friend. Every day she would talk to me and show me her kindness. As I watched her pure and beautiful soul, I fell in love. It wasn't the young love that the others had, it was true love. At her very touch, I shivered. I wanted her to be mine and I wanted to protect her from the evil the world would throw at her. I wanted to be her prince and she my princess.

But, I didn't deserve her. She needed someone to wipe away her tears, not cry himself to sleep. Moe needed so much more than what I could offer. I was a weak person. It broke me to pieces knowing I could never have her. It was selfish to let my self get close to her because I knew I would end up hurting her or disappointing her. I kept so much secrets from her, that if she knew them all she would hate me, I was certain. Though I didn't know if she was even capable of hate.

Moe was not the reason I was feeling so much pain though. Arianna was. She was kind and forgiving to me and the best friend I could ever ask for. Though she was not Moe, she was an amazing friend. I didn't know why, but when I was around her I was able to open up to her about anything. She never judged me and when ever I thought back to those days, I felt guilty. But without warning, I was hit by another memory.

I invited her to the library. I needed to tell someone and she was the perfect person to tell. Once I saw her leave that shiny red convertible, my heart began beating a thousand miles an hour. 'What if she doesn't believe me, or if she uses me for who I am?' We sat on the concrete stairs together. Her eyes were entrancing. I couldn't look away, but I knew I had to. When I looked into her beautiful eyes, I saw her power growing strong. I could also see the spell put over her. It was all so complex, yet so amazing. I saw into her past and future. Those eyes were the keys to her soul, her being. When I realized what I had done to her, it was too late to stop. I knew intimate details about her life and I could never go back. When I broke the trance, I could see the confusion on her face.

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