God's Grace

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Three Months Later....

Kristopher's POV

"You so handsome Brennan." I cooed to my little miracle baby to which he replied with a toothless smile.

To say that we were all relieved would be a fucking understatement, we were scared shitless. He gave us quite a scare when he was born and because she was so tiny, we ain't think he was gone make it. He proved us wrong tho, growing strong and more beautiful everyday. Me and Chelsea would be at the hospital day and night just sitting in the NICU and or the hospital chapel just sending out positive energy and praying to the Lord above asking him to spare our little angel. I wouldn't have wished that shit on my worst enemy and let's be honest I had a lot of them muthafuckas, those were the longest 61 days of a nigga life but we were finally able to bring him home a little over a month ago and we couldn't have been more happy. He was beautiful, greedy, happy, and most of all he was healthy. Despite what I do for a living and what I did in the past, the big man upstairs answered our prayers and allowed us to keep little Brennan in our lives.

"Dang Kris get outta his face." Chelsea said as she came into our bedroom sitting our food down on the night stand. "I know my baby tired of looking at yo ugly face."

"Don't kid yaself ma."I said. "You and I both know that I'm the pretty one in this relationship."

She was always talking shit with her big head ass, but that's my baby.

"Boy please, all that praying I did for Brennan, I shoulda prayed and ask God to give you Dave East face, cause you know that's my baby, I mean he can get it anytime of the day, night, week, month, hell he can even get it- -"

"Get fucked up Chelsea." I said cutting her off.

She was always talking about that nigga. Every time she opened up her mouth it was Dave East this Dave East that. Well Dave East can catch these hands with his light skinned ass. She need to shut up about his ass, shit next time she open up her month I just might stick my dick in it. Hell I ain't had no pussy since before she had the baby and it's only so much my hand could do. I need to see if I can get Tiffany and Karter to babysit so I can knock the dust off that pussy.

"I was just playing baby." She cooed. "You know you the only man that will only have my heart, and the only man that I will ever put this pussy on and ride into oblivion."

Now I ain't know if it was the fact that we ain't tucked in almost four months, but my dick instantly got hard as a rock and I was so ready to throw her back out.

"Don't fuckin play with me Chelsea, I ain't had no pussy in damn near four months. I will bend you over this muthafuckin bed and fuck the shit outta you right in front of our son." I warned.

"Oh my God babe." She laughed out. "We we not doing it in front of our baby."

"Alright well let's just put him in the middle of the bed and put some pillows around him real quick and let's go to the bathroom." I said making her laugh out again, but I was serious as fuck.

"Babe no." She said causing me to suck my teeth. "Boy don't be sucking yo teeth at me. I know its been forever since we had some time to ourselves, seeing as tho we're new to the parenting world and everything that was going on with the baby. Soooo me being the wonderful woman and girlfriend that I am, took it upon myself to call in a favor. I asked Tiffany and Karter to babysit Brennan for us next Saturday."

"See that's why I fucks wit you." I said. "Cause ya boy was literally just thinking about doing the same thing."

"Cause you my baby." She said.

"And you mines." I said back.

Just as we were leaning in to kiss, Brennan ol greedy ass gone start crying, fucking up the flow and shit. I was still tryna get a quickie or a lil neck but no, here come his cock blockin ass.

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