The Waiting Game pt 2

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Two weeks later.......
Chelsea's POV......
It had been almost a month since I gave birth to my son, I was just waiting til the day came when the doctor would tell me that I could take him home because visiting him in the incubator was tearing up a piece of my heart every single day. Kris and I both were having a hard time just as anybody would in that same situation. But he is getting a little stronger each day and I thank God everyday. I was currently sitting in the hospital chapel praying like I had been doing for the past 25 days.

"And Lord I'm asking that you send your healing angels down to watch over my baby and cover him with your blood, in your son Jesus name amen." I said finishing up my prayer.

"Hey beautiful." I smiled knowing the familiar voice.

"Hey babe." I said.

Kris came into the chapel and sat down next to me grabbing my hand.

"Did you think that when we met almost two years ago that we was gone end up here?" He asked me.

"Actually yeah I did." I answered causing him to turn his lips to the side like yeah right.

"I did tho babe." I chuckled out. "And if I'm being honest I knew I wanted to be with you just a month into us dating."

"Word?" He asked.

"Yeah I did." I answered.

"I love you man." He said.

"I love you too." I answered. "Now I need is for the Brennan to get stronger so we can take him home."

"You ain't naming her after me?" He asked pretending to be hurt.

"Hell no! You are a handful all by yourself  and I don't need two of y'all to drive me to an early grave."I said. He already look like you and I know when he's older he gonna act like you too. So I wanna give him a little individuality.

"Shit I wouldn't even have to teach him shit because Dennis men are just born with that trait." He said with a chuckle causing me to shake my head.

"Sooooo you wanna go see him." I asked hoping that he would give me an answer other than the one that I had been getting since he was born. But he was already shaking his head no before I could even finish asking the question.

"Kris." I said. "You need to see him, because what if heaven forbid that he don't pull through then what, go get acquainted with your son Kristopher please." I said. "I know you, and you will never forgive yourself if he doesn't make it and you didn't even say hello to him. He needs to know that you love him."

I stood up and held my hand out to him. He stared at it for a few second and took it with a sigh.

"Ok." He said standing with me. At that point we walked upstairs to the NICU (neonatal intensive care unit) to go and check on Kristian.

"Hey Shelby." I said once we got there.

"Hey Chels." She responded. "How are you holding up?"

"Surprisingly well honestly, but some days are better than others." I answered.

"I understand." She said handing me a hospital gown to put on. "Is this Kris?"

"Yeah." He said. "Finally huh."

"Well everyone moves at their own pace but it is good that you come and get acquainted with him. He needs to feed off your energy so only positive thinking. He's a fighter and he strong. Annnnnnd he gained 2 ounces today so that's something to be happy about." Shelby told Kris as she handed him a hospital blanket as well.

"Let's go get your hands washed so we can go and see your handsome boy." She said leading us to the scrub room. After thoroughly washing and drying our hands she led us into the NICU. I heard Kris take on a breath as he got close to the incubator that belonged to his little boy.

"Oh my God." He said. "He's beautiful Chelsea."

"Yeah he is." I said.

"Can I touch him." He asked Shelby.

"Yes of course." She answered.

He put his hand through the opening and ran an index finger up and down his tiny arm and smiled while tears escaped from his eyes. It was the first time that I had seen him cry since we met and it was at that moment that I realized that there was somebody in this world that he loved more than he loved me. That there was somebody in this world that he would protect with his very last breath. And also in that moment I think that I fell more in love with him because of it.

"He baby boy it's daddy." He said. "Me and Mommy need you to get better ok. We wanna show your uncle Karter and auntie Tiffany that we make prettier kids then them. "We love you Brennan Micheal Dennis. Keep growing and getting stronger so we can take you home and stunt on you cousins."

With that he kissed his little hand and I was standing there in tears just looking at the both of my guys.

"I love you poohda. We can't wait to take you home." I said.

We stayed about two hours and then finally decided to head out. As soon as we stepped foot in the hall way Kris broke down. I just held him and let him cry into my shoulder because he needed it.

"I was wondering when you were gonna let your emotions out." I said after he had calmed down.

"Yeah. I needed to be strong for you and for him." He said wiping his face. "At least I felt I needed to be."

"We can be strong for each other babe." I said kissing his cheek. "Ok?"

"Ok ma." He said with a chuckle.

"What's so funny?" I asked.

"I never thought that I would be crying in front of a female." He said shaking his head.

"I'm the one female that you shouldn't be embarrassed to cry in front of." I said wiping the rest of his tears.

"I love you Chelsea." He said.

"I love you too Kristopher." I said pressing my lips to his.

"Let's go get something to eat and then go tease Karter and Tiffany because our son look better than all three of their kids." He said causing me to laugh.

"I can't with you." I said.

"You don't have a choice tho now let's go I want some wing stop." He said grabbing my hand and leading us out of the door.




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