First and Last Chance

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Jay's POV.....

"You know somebody named Ebony?" I asked Kiah.

I was literally sweating bullets as I was about to come clean with Ki about this whole mess and possibly risk losing her. We were sitting in her dorm room and I was a nervous wreck. I was so completely in love with her that I really couldn't imagine my life without her in it and if she gave the chance I was gonna marry her one day. Knowing that what I was getting ready to tell her was gonna hurt her I prepared myself for her to walk out of my life forever. But I was willing to risk everything for her and for her brothers, hell my brothers. They was probably gone have me killed but that was better than living with the guilt of everything that I had done and dealing with Ebony psycho ass. I was really scared as a nigga going to prison for the first time.

"Um I know a crazy ass chick Karter used to deal with like six or seven years ago by that name." She answered. "Why what's up?"

I looked at her and let out a shaky breath as tears burned the brim of my eyes but I blinked them back before they could fall.

"Babe what's wrong?" She asked with concern. "You scaring me."

"I um, I need to tell you something." I said lowly.

"Jayceon." She said with a look of fear on her face.

"I met her three years ago at a bar after my brother Zeek was murdered. We talked all night and we been keeping in touch. We um--"

"Did you fuck her Jayceon?" She asked me.

"Three times kind of, twice before be got together and once she gave me head after we was together."

"Wow, just wow. Why do I get the feeling that ain't all you gotta tell me?" She asked.

"Before I tell you please know that I love you Kiah more than anything in this world." I said looking in her eyes cause her to shake her head a let out a chuckle.

"You sure as hell got a funny way if showing it tho." She said. "You know that the same shit muthafuckas say on Maury right before they hit they spouse with oh I fucked yo cousin and sister in the house in kitchen on the dining room table. But since Karter and Kris are the only family that I have left that I'm actually close to, and they too much in love with pussy Ion think you gone tell me that you fucking them so out with it.

By this time tears were falling out if her eyes and I wanted to gouge out my own I hated to see her cry and to know that I was the cause behind it made me feel even worse. Clearing the lump in my throat that felt like it was about to close up, I opened up and told her everything not leaving out a single detail. It felt good to get it off my chest but it could have just cost me the love of my life.

"So let me this straight." She said. "You meet this crazy bitch, yall come up with a plan to kill my brothers, and then do what take all they money and run off together, or take over the business?"

"Hell no I ain't going nowhere with that crazy bitch." I said with a mug on my face.

"She wasn't so crazy when yall was setting up this plan and while y'all was having sex tho Jayceon." She said and I let out a sigh.

"Ki." I said reaching for her hand but she snatched away from me. "I was angry and hurt when I agreed to this plan, she played on my attachment and love for my brother and used it against me."

"So you was still angry and hurt when she sucked yo dick when yall met up again?" She asked with hurt in her eyes.

"I'm sorry Kiah please know that I been tryna to get out of it." I pleaded. "I know it's fucked up, and I know I should've told you sooner, that's why I'm telling you now."

"So that make it ok?" She asked.

I silently shook my head no.

"Where do I come in?" She asked.

"I um was supposed to um--"

"You was supposed to use me to get to them." She said finishing my sentence.

I nodded my head.

"That's why you chased me so hard." She said shaking her head.

"Yeah but I fucked up." I said.

"How so?" She asked.

"I fell in love with you." I answered causing her to scoff.

"I know you don't wanna hear shit that I'm saying to you right now but I do love you Kiah." I said sincerely. "And you know that, even if you don't wanna admit it."

"Don't tell me what I know." She spat. "For two years you have done nothing but pour lies all over me Jay. Every time you kissed me, hugged me, every time you made love to me was all a lie."

"It may have started out that way for the first couple of months but after that I swear to you I meant every single kiss, every single hug, and I most definitely meant every single time I made love to you."

By this time we were both in tears and I could feel the wall it took me so long to break down going back up and I had nobody to blame but myself but if it took everyday for the rest of my life I was gonna break it down again.

"I trusted you Jayceon." She cried.

"I know and I'm so sorry for breaking that trust." I said with a sniff.

"So what do I do about this?" She asked looking me in the eyes.

"Hopefully not what I deserve." I answered. "And I'm not talking about telling your brothers."

"They have to know." She said.

"I know." I said. "They were my next stop."

Her eyes grew wide.

"Are you crazy Karter will kill yo ass, revive you and then have Kris kill you!" She shrieked.

I smiled a little knowing she didn't want anything to happen to me.

"I don't doubt it." I said. "But I deserve so much more for hurting you."

"Damn you Jayceon, I really hate you for doing this." She said. "I really hate you."

"I know you do, I hate me too." I said.

"Although I hate what you done, thank you for telling me." She said. "I got to be the stupidest bitch in the world yo."

I scrunched up my face wondering why she would say that.

"Why you say that?" I asked.

"Cause I should be walking away from you but you been too big a part of my life for you to not be there anymore." She said. But I do need some time to think."

"I can respect that." I said. "Imma give you all the time and space that you need, just don't give up on me ma."

"I couldn't even if I tried." She said.

"I love you Ki." I said.

"I love you too Jayceon." She said. "You should go."

I nodded my head letting out a sigh.

"Can I kiss you?" I asked.

She nodded her head and I smiled leaning in and placing a soft kiss on her lips.

"See you later." I said heading towards the door.

She answered with a small smile.

"Jay." She said causing me to turn around. "This is your first and last chance, don't fuck me over again."

I answered with a wink and walked out of the door. I walked to my car feeling better than I have in a long time. I confessed to my girl and she still rocking with me. I was gonna do everything in my power to make this up to her even of it was the last thing that I did.






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