Finally Breathing But...

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Karter's POV........

"Hey baby." I stopped dead in my tracks when I heard her voice.

I just stood there staring at her. The love of my life was finally awake after three of the longest months that I had ever spent in my life. After a few more seconds my legs finally began to move towards the bed. Ki had grabbed the baby from Tiffany's lap and helped her to sit up better. She reached for me as soon as I got near the bed. I pulled her into my arms and immediately began to burst into tears. I mean a nigga was crying real tears like when yo mama used to make you grab a switch from the tree so she could whoop yo ass and talk while she doing it.

"Karter you're trembling." Tiffany said to me.

"I ain't think that I was ever gone get to hold you again ma." "I said through my tears. "You were gone so long and I was so lost without you here."

"I'm sorry I was gone for so long baby." She said before kissing my forehead.

"It doesn't matter, you up now, you awake." I said. "That's all I care about, I love you so much."

"I love you too." She said.

She wiped my face and planted kisses all over my face and finally kissed my lips and I swear it felt like the first time that I kissed her five years ago.

"Ugh it look like y'all bout to do it right here in front of my nephew." Kiah said breaking up our reunion, shit she was right though I hadn't had no pussy in three months and my lil Karter was bout to start acting a fool cause even in a hospital bed Tiffany was still sexy as fuck.

"Damn Ki I forgot y'all was here." I said.

"Mhm." She said jokingly. "I can tell."

"So when can you get outta here." I asked Tiffany.

"Im actually waiting on test results now, and Dr. Montgomery should be back in a few minutes." She answered. "He said that everything is all good and it was a miracle that I didn't even get antrophy considering how long that I been here immobilized."

"Antro what?" I asked.

"Antrophy is like temporary paralysis because the blood wasn't circulating, kinda like my legs are numb time ten." Tiffany said. "Imma need a damn wheel chair until I get the feeling back in my legs."

"Oh you ain't gone need it long tho cause we working them legs out." I said sticking my tongue out causing her to giggle.

"You tryna make me have another daughter babe?" She joked immediately causing my mood to change and Tiffany with her intuitive ass caught it.

"Did I say something wrong." She asked.

Unable to speak I just shook my head.

"Um Imma take the baby for a walk so y'all can talk." Ki said wiping a tear from her eye.

With that said she walked out of the door leaving Tiffany and I alone to talk.

"Karter what's going on?" She asked, her voiced laced with concern.

"Well um when you were brought here they had to do an emergency c section to save the him but when they opened you up they saw two babies and one of them was dead." I said.

"What?" She asked confused. "I wasn't pregnant with twins tho."

"He was hiding behind his sister the entire time of your pregnancy and when Ebony stabbed you the knife punctured her lung." I said wiping my eyes. "She saved his life ma."

"Nooooooo!" She cried. "Why would sh-she do that!"

I pulled her into my arms to comfort her as best as I could.

"I'm so sorry baby." I said over and over again. I felt responsible for all of this.

"Why are you sorry?" She said after she cried for about 15 minutes. "You are not responsible for what she does, you made it clear what was going on between the two of you from the beginning but somewhere in her diluted mind it was more than what it was."

"I love you so much Tiff." I said.

"I love you to Ghost." She snikered causing me to stale face her. "You really do look like him tho."

"I don't look like that nigga." I said. "I look better."

"You right babe, you right." She said.

I just shook my head.

"I know you prolly buried her already but I wanna have a service." Getting serious again. "I wanna say goodbye to her."

"Anything you want." I said.

"I want doc to hurry up I'm hungry and I wanna spend time with my son." She said.

I guess she spoke him up cause at that exact moment he came knocking on the door.

"My two favorite people." Dr. Montgomery said.

"Hey doc." I said shaking his hand. "When can I take my woman home, you had her long enough now it's my turn."

"Well I'm sick of her you can take her off my hands as soon as she signs these papers." He answered jokingly cause us all to chuckle out.

At that she signed the discharge papers and was given instructions on healing up properly. After talking with doc for a while we getting Tiffany settled and ready to finally go home. Of course she was being her normal stubborn self about the damn wheel chair.

"Oh my God Tiffany get yo ass in this damn chair and stop fighting with me damn." I said.

"I don't wanna get in that like I'm cripple Karter." She said.

"Well you either get in the chair so we can go or you can keep acting like you five years old and stay here it's up to you." I said getting a little irritated. "But I'm leaving to go eat and see my kids in five minutes."

That did exactly what I wanted it to do. She finally stopped fighting me and did what I needed her to do at the mention of the girls and food. Lo key I thought it was mostly for the food ol greedy ass. We had finally gotten to the truck and she was buckled in.

"Thank you." I said once I finally got in the driver's seat. "Now was that so hard?"

"I'm sorry I just don't wanna be depended on this thing." She said.

"And you not gonna be, but it's just necessary for the time being, and hospital policy." I said.

"Since when did you start listening to what other people tell you?" She asked.

"Three months ago. When we was at wing stop eating and you said that you felt like something was wrong, like she gave up too easily." I said. "If I had listened then you wouldn't have been here and baby girl Dennis wouldn't be in the damn cemetery."

"Karter, baby, what did I tell you in the hospital? This is not your fault and I'm not gonna let you keep blaming yourself for it do you understand me?" She said grabbing my hand. "She is coo coo crazy all on her own, not because of you."

I nodded my head.

"Now I'm hungry and I wanna see my babies." She said.

"Wing stop?" I asked although I already knew the answer.

"You already know, that didn't change just cause I was sleep for three months." She answered. "Oh and after dinner and we put the girls down I was thinking maybe we can work out my legs."

"You ain't even gotta ask me twice." I said starting up the truck.

With that said, I pulled out of the parking lot that i had become all to familiar with and was going to get my life back.



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