The Waiting Game

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So I know I said that I would be doing a shoutout this chapter but it actually won't come until the next chapter 😊😊

Karter's POV......

My world had completely stopped. There was the love of my life laying in a pool of blood all because some crazy bitch couldn't take no for an answer. It was at that moment that I decided lil miss Ebony wouldn't be tainting perfectly good by breathing anymore. I really hadn't gotten my hands dirty for a long time but once you mess with a man's family you really leave him with no other alternatives. I called my brother and sister at the same time that the one of the employees of the establishment was calling the ambulance. It seemed as if all three of them had gotten there in record time. Cradling Tiffany's head I'm my lap while willing her to stay with me, I heard my name being called.

"Karter." Kris said as he and Ki approached me.

"Nooooo!" Ki screamed falling to her knees.

"Come on Ki, she gone be straight." Kris said picking her up off the floor and hugging her tight.

"What the fuck happened man?" Kris inquired.

"That crazy bitch Eb--"

"Excuse me can we get through please?" I was cut off as the paramedics made their way to the crowd that formed around us.

"My name is Tim, can anybody what happened." The paramedic asked ask he put on rubber gloves.

"I don't actually know." I choked out. One minute we was eating, she went to use the bathroom and came out bleeding.

"Ok." He said checking her vitals. "How far along is she?"

"Um almost seven months." I answered. "What you doing?"

I felt Tiffany being pulled away from me and my grip on her tightened.

"Sir we need to get her to a hospital but we have to put her on the gurney first." Tim answered.

I just looked at him with a mug on my face.

"Karter, let them do they job man." Kris said.

With a sigh I closed my eyes and kissed her forehead.

"You're more than welcomed to ride in the ambulance with us." Time offered.

"Go ahead man." Kris said. "Me and Ki right behind you."

"Aight." I said nodding my head.

"What hospital?" Kiah asked.

"Daniel Freeman." The paramedic answered while he and his parter lifted one half of my family into the back of the ambulance.

"Arrd." He said. "Let's ride out Ki."

"I love you Karter." Ki said.

I kissed her forehead.

"She gone be cool big bruh." Kris said.

I nodded my head. Then they walked to Kris's car as I got in the back of the ambulance. Although the ride to the ER was only 10 minutes, it felt more like 10 years. Kris and Ki had pulled up a few minutes after we had gotten there. Running in behind the paramedics I heard his interaction with one of the trauma unit doctors on duty.

"What do we have?" She asked.

"African American female, approximately 25 to 30 years old, stab wound to the abdomen, there a lot of hemorrhage, six months pregnant." Tim answered.

"Ok let's get her up to trauma room B and we need to stop this bleeding let's move it people." She shouted.

While they rushed her into the trauma room, my legs gave out but somebody caught me before I hit the ground.

"Karter, I know this shit is hard but you gotta keep it together." Kris said. "Sis need you to be strong, and so do Rhy and Nyla, and little baby boy Dennis too. This is a lot of shit to put on yo shoulders I know that, and I'm not gone sit up here and act like I know what you going through cause I don't. I would lose my shit and anything like this ever happen Chelsea. But you gotta be strong man, cause they both gone need yo strength to make big bro."

At that, I came undone and sobbed as my little brother did his best to comfort me. I wasnt a man to fear anything but losing Tiffany, I don't think that I could have even survived it.

"I can't lose her Kris." I sniffed.

"Man you know sis ain't bout to go nowhere old stubborn ass." He said with a chuckle causing me to smile a little.

"Where Kiah?" I asked.

"She said she couldn't be here with Tiffany like that." He answered. "And I might be tripping but I thought I heard her say "I hope he didn't have anything to do with this? Then she sent for an uber and went on her way."

"Wait was she talking about me having something to with this." I asked instantly getting heated.

"Naw now you know Ki a damn Dennis she woulda slapped fired from yo ass first then asked questions later." He answered.

"You right about that." I chuckled. "She woulda caught these hands too tho. Well I wonder who the fuck she was talking about then."

"Ion know, but you was about to tell me who put sis in a bad way." Kris said.

I sighed grabbing the bridge of my nose.

"That bitch Ebony." I said with distaste in my mouth.

Then this nigga gone fake faint.

"Aww naw, not that crazy ass girls who you used to go with." He said while he was still laying on the floor of the damn hospital.

"First off get yo dumb ass up off the floor, and second I never used to go with her, I used to fuck her." I said.

"Well maybe you shoulda told her that, cause that bitch  she think otherwise. She ain't all there, I mean she got a pretty apartment but ain't nobody home." Kris said.

"What the fuck is you talking about?" I asked Kris.

"I'm saying that bitch is crazy." He said. "So what we gone do? Wait where the fuck she been for the last five years, plotting and shit?"

"Ion know." I answered. "But one thing I do know is that she ain't walking away from this."

"You just say the word and I got you big bro you know that." Karter said.

"Fa sho." I said. "But I'm handling this one, I need you to get the boys ready and have them meet up at the spot at 9pm sharp. Imma call Jon Jon and Khalil to come up here and sit with her. Call Big Mark and have him looking after Tiffany folks."

"I got you." He said. "Who we gone get to look after Ki?"

"She cool cause Jay ain't gone let nothing happen to her, he actually love her ugly ass." I said chuckling.

"Yeah you right." He said agreeing.

That lil nigga would actually lay his life down for my little sister, which would prove to be true in the future and he gone always have my respect for that.

"Want me to sit up here with you?" He asked.

"Naw I'm cool, it's prolly gone be a minute cause she in surgery and you got some moves to make." I said.

"Aight, love yo bean head ass." He said.

"Love you too man." I said dapping him up and with that he walked out of the hospital. The only thing I could do now was wait. Pray and wait.

And that's exactly what I did.

Don't be mad at me yall...everything can't be all peaches and cream all the time 😢😢

But anyhoo comment and vote...let me know what yall think!!

Did yall catch that hint I through out? 😏😏


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