Chapter 16

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TW: Almost rape, drugs

Alex POV

I woke up in the room they throw me in. My dried blood littering the room.

My head felt light and my stomach was churning. I quickly threw up in a trashcan by the bed as someone walks in the room.

"Have you learned your lesson yet?" He asks. I turn to see my father.

"What lesson am I supposed to be learning exactly?" I hiss, my voice horse from the vodka I was forced to drink however long ago.

He pushes a button on a remote that sets off the shock collar around my neck. I shriek and fall to the floor in pain as I attempt to take it of. He turns it off after many long miserable minutes and continues.

"I need your help," He states in an oddly calm voice. Its scary.

"I'm not going to help you hurt people," I whisper, my thoat starting to hurt.

"You'll come around eventually," He says as he walks over to me with a needle. He injects it into my neck and I fall back into unconsciousness.

Third Person POV

A man walks into the room and sees the unconscious boy just minutes after James Hamilton Sr. left.

He sighs as he walks over to the boy with a pen.

This man never wanted Alexander to be in this position. Hell, he never wanted to be in this position.

He walks over to the boy and writes one thing on his arm before leaving.


Then he makes his way to the police station. He can't let this continue any longer. Not when he can do something to stop it.

John POV

I woke up to new writing on my arm.


That not Alex's hand writing. Who wrote that?

I turn quickly as my phone starts ringing and pick it up.

"Yes?" I ask.

"We know where he is," The guy on the phone states.

"You do?"

"Neet us at the station," and with that the officer hangs up.

I shake Eliza awake.

"Lizaaa," I whine.

"What?" She asks, her voice muffled by her pillow.

"They found him. Come on get up," I say, still shaking her. She jumps up and gets dressed as soon as those words leave my mouth.

We quickly get dressed and head off to the station. The captain and lead detective walk up to us.

"We were told by someone that is helping the kidnapper, seemingly against his will where we can find Alex and gave us details about exactly where he is, and how to get to him. We will head to the place, get Alex and bring him back to you but we need you two to stay here," The captian states.

Eliza and I reluctantly nod as he leads us to his office so we can wait for then to come back.

Both Eliza and I write to Alex telling him that he wont be there much longer and that people are coming to help. Unsurprisingly, he doesn't write back.

As long as he sees it.

Alex POV

The sedative weres off as a man comes and grabs ahold of me, dragging me into another area. I take a quick look at his face and fear fills my body. This is the same guy that raped me.

Is he going to do it again?

I try to hide the tears that want to so desperately fall from my face. Its always worse if I cry.

He drags me to the same room and chains me to the bed. I think he likes it more when I can fight back because after the first time he stopped drugging me.

Before he could get my shirt off, a few cops rushed into the room.

The man shoves a pill down my throat before he even acknowledges the cops.

I quickly feel my body fall limp as the world blurs slightly. I can't move my body and was hardly able to turn my head to see what was happening.

Ultimately, the cops won and broke the cuffs around my wrist. One of the cops picks me up off the bed. They all start walking out and the world turns dark.

Eliza POV

The police captain walks into the office with a smile. John and I immediately stand.

"Did you find him?" I ask, worry laces my voice.

He nods and leads us to his car. We follow him into the car and he silently drives to the hospital. When we get there, he leads us to a room.

In that room, Alex lies unconscious. He looks extremely pale and malnourished. He got thinner, which I didn't even know was possible, and cuts littered his body. But what really hurt me was the hickeys on his neck.

I broke down into tears and John pulled me close, also crying.

"Hes going to be okay," The officer says. Then he walks out of the room.

At least hes safe now.


He is safe I swear. Also theres a huge time skip to graduation coming up in the middle of a chapter but the story continues after that. I just have no more in college ideas.

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