Chapter 12

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This is after winter break

Eliza POV

Alex's birthday is tomorrow. John and I seem to be more excited than he is. Knowing why, I don't necessarily blame him.

However, John and I convinced him to at least try to do something on his birthday. He reluctantly agreed.

Right now hes trying to throw himself into school work to try to ignore that tomorrow is his birthday.

I wish my baby didn't have to go through all this.

==The Next Day==

This morning John and I woke up before Alex. Or well, we got out of bed first he might have been awake.

About an hour later Alex still didn't leave the room so I went in there to check on him.

"Baby, I thought we agreed you wouldn't have your laptop in the bedroom," I sigh.

He saves his document and closes his laptop before putting it on the nightstand.

"I know you don't like your birthday but you can't just hide from it okay," I say calmly.

He nods and follows me into the living area.

"Morning Alex," John says once we both walk out of the bedroom. He knew not to mention that its Alex's birthday.

"Morning," He responds.

Alex then turns to get coffee and sits down on the couch after making it. He leans his head on John and I lay by him. Alex pulls me into a hug while John picks a movie to watch on Netflix.

We all decided that we would just get dinner with our friends for Alex's birthday so we didn't seem like we were pushing anything. We also won't tell them that it's his birthday. No one likes it when employees sing happy birthday to them anyway.

Until then we were just gonna hang out in the dorm and watch a few movies and play a few games. Nothing special but that's what Alex wanted.

A few hours later, everyone came over right before we were set to go to the restaurant. 

"You ready Alex?" Angie asks. 

"I guess," He mumbles as we walk to the car. Everyone can tell that he is anything but excited and happy. 

Alex POV

I love my friends and soulmates but I don't like how pushy they are being with this whole birthday thing. 

Ever since my dad left on my tenth birthday I hated them. My birthday only got worse from there. On my twelfth my mom died. Fifteenth my cousin killed himself. Eighteenth my brother went missing, and was presumed dead, in the hurricane that destroyed my entire town. 

Now I have met my soulmates and made amazing friends. I can't let anything happen to them. For once I hope to be able to live a full life with people I love. That's all I want. 

Love To The Third Power [Hamilton Elams Soulmate AU] [Discontinued]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz