Chapter 51

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Kianna's POV

I munched down on a roast sandwich, noticing that everybody was staring at me. "What..?" I asked.

"How are you alive?" Sonic asked.

"What do you mean..?" I asked.

"What's the last thing you remember?" Silver asked me.

"Let's see... I was hit with the lazer which knocked me out, and when I woke up, nobody was there. I heard bombs and whatever so I went around the Palace to check it out, ran into peeps, heard that Chails was looking for Teddy, so I got Chails and Teddy, gave him a piggyback ride and defeated Avalon with my army of jail friends. Like I told you before, Sonic, they owe me." I finished my roast sandwich and I was still hungry. "Any seconds?" I asked. Sonic smiled.

"I'll get you some." He took my plate and got me another roast sandwich. I licked my lips and dug in.

"Zit eels ike I ever te in a wheel." I said, my mouth full. They all looked confused. I swallowed my food. "It feels like I never ate in a while." I said.

"Ah..." People said, now understanding.

"For weeks it feels like, actually. But I don't know why. And I'm really hungry. Which I haven't really been since..." I trailed off and everybody understood what I meant.

"Kianna, the truth is, you were dead. For over a month, now. The lazer destroyed everything besides your stump of a horn and your wings. Speaking of, your horn is normal!" Sonic exclaimed. "You gonna keep it like that?"

"Yeah, I guess..." I replied hesitantly. "Wait, I was DEAD?!?!"

"Yes." Sonic replied.

"I WAS DEAD?!?!"

"Kianna chill."


"Anyways, Kianna. What's wrong with your wings? They're usually open but they're closed..." Sonic asked.

"They're just tired. It's a long flight to get from the Palace, to everywhere inside the Palace, to the battlefield to find Chails and Teddy, to the jail, and then back. It really tired them out." Sonic nodded.

"Maybe you should get some rest." Jason suggested. Everybody else nodded in agreement.

"No, I'm fine. Really." I protested. Then I let out a little yawn. Sonic gave me an 'are you serious' look. "I'm NOT tired." I told him. Everybody started to stand up and come towards me. Uh-oh... "Fine. I'll go take a nap. A SMALL nap, ok?" Sonic, glad that he got what he wanted, nodded and smiled. Sonic and Jason led me upstairs to a bedroom.

"I'll leave you two alone..." Sonic said, then he left. We sat on the bed.

"I missed you so much..." Jason told me. "I never wanna leave you again... Promise me that you won't die on me again."


"KIANNA!!!" Jason shouted and I laughed.

"I can't promise you that." I told him seriously. We looked into each other's eyes.

"Can you at least try..?" Jason asked and I gave him a small smile.

"Yes." Jason hugged me and I hugged him back. We stayed like that until we both fell asleep, snuggling into each other.

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