Chapter 76

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The Next Night...

Sonic's POV

I heard a bang. I sat up in my bed. Then I heard a scream, and footsteps in the halls. I got out of my bed and opened the door. Kianna was running past, Flames in her arms. Jason was doing CPR. I gasped and ran after them.

"WHAT'S GOING ON?!" I yelled, terrified. 

"Flames! We're here, alright?! We're here!" Blaze yelled.

"Don't worry Flames! We're here! Just hang in there! Just hang in there!" Silver yelled. I grabbed my phone and called 9-1-1. 

"HE HAS NO PULSE!!!" Jason screamed. Kianna put Flames on the ground and she did CPR.

"Hang in there, hang in there! I've got you, Flames. I've got you. It's gonna be ok. It's gonna be ok." Everybody was now awake, and confused. The chaos was crazy. Kianna kept doing CPR.

"He's gone..." Jason said sadly. Kianna kept going. "KIANNA! HE's GONE! STOP!" Jason yelled, tears in his eyes.

"NO! I'M NOT LOSING HIM! NOT NOW, NOT EVER!" She electrocuted Flames. 

"THERE'S A PULSE!" Jason screamed in relief. Then we heard the ambulance.


We were all waiting for news on Flames. Silver and Blaze were trying to reassure each other through tears. Me and Amy held hands and squeezed each time one of us had a bad thought or feeling, to make it go away. We had a fight, and we're not over it yet, but we can put that aside for now. All the kids, including John, were at the Palace, along with Cream and Tails. Knuckles and Rouge were arguing over a new diamond ring, mainly just to distract themselves. Jason, who we just learned was a doctor, was in the room with the doctors and Flames, examining him. Which left Kianna all alone. She was walking a mile a minute in squares around where we were sitting, her hands twitching, which I just noticed after what she had said a few nights ago. She bit her lip and slapped her hand, trying to stop the twitching. She growled angrily and punched her arm. I watched her, taking in her movements, corresponding it to her actions all the time. I noticed that she is usually like this, but none of us have ever noticed. I gently let go of Amy's hand, and stopped Kianna on her next lap. She gave a little stomp of her foot.

"Hedgehog. Move." She told me.

"Kianna. It's gonna be ok. He's gonna be ok."

"He has signs of liver cancer..." She whispered. "I can't believe I never noticed before." Her voice cracked. "He's been tired when I've seen him, yawning, he hasn't been eating much. And based off of what just happened, he has a week or two to live..." My eyes welled up with tears, hoping that what she was saying WASN'T true. "I should've noticed sooner..." She took a deep breath. "You both have the same blood type, SO2C. It's a very rare blood type. Sadly, you wouldn't be able to donate your liver, due to several things. I'd say his best chance at living is a piece of liver from Silver or Blaze, his parents." Silver and Blaze, hearing the whole thing, started to screech.

"Oh, don't worry! I'm sure you'll be alseep!" Amy piped up.

"That's not what we're worried about." Blaze said.

"What do you mean?" Rouge asked.

"Flames..." Blaze gave Silver a small nod. "Flames is adopted..."

(Hey guys! Did that shock you? The blood type was just made up by me because I don't really know any blood types. So that's fun. Anyways, cya guys later! Peace out!)

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