Kismet Trivia

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Kianna: Hi guys! We're gonna do some trivia!

Sonic: Wait, wait, wait. Hold up. How are you here right now? You're supposed to be dead.

Kianna: First of all, that's in the story. And second of all, who says I'm dead? You never know... Right writer?


Kianna: See? The writer is agreeing with me because she LIKES me.

Sonic: Then why'd she kill you off?

Kianna: So I could save your child and so Jet wouldn't revive Scrourge! Did you WANT Spazz to die?!

Sonic: No...

Kianna: Exactly! And I didn't even get a thank you!

Sonic: Thank you.

Kianna: Your welcome!

Sonic: Wait, isn't this supposed to be a trivia?

Kianna: Yes. Now, we mentioned this but oh well. How did I die?

(A.) From Saving Spazz

(B.) From killing Jet

(C.) From saving Jason

(D.) From dying because of how terrible Sonic's singing is.

Sonic: Hey! That's not nice!

Kianna: Yes it is! Now, cya guys next time! Peace out!

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