The Final Chapter

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"Are you sure they don't suspect you?", asked Vaughn.

"Absolutely. What are you so anxious about, dimwit?", questioned, Sacra.

"Nothing is going according to the plan. We never meant for you get released this early and we never meant to kill that cop. We are completely improvising. And I do NOT like that."

"Don't worry. It's all gonna work out. You all set for tomorrow?"

"Yeah, we're good. Just bring the money down to the storage basement of the mall and I'll launder it out of there securely."

"Remember what I said?", asked Sacra nostalgically.

Vaughn glanced at David whimpering. He pitied him.

"I don't wanna kill him.", protested Vaughn.

Hearing this, David's whimpering grew louder. He started shaking, struggling to release himself from the ropes binding him to the chair.

"I know you don't. But you have to. Otherwise, he'll rat us out. Then we will be running for the rest of our lives.", paused Sacra. "Put him on. I wanna say goodbye."

Vaughn walked over to David, ripped out the tape stuck on his mouth, removed the blindfold and placed the phone to his ear.

"Sacra, please, you don't have to do this. What did I ever do to you?", cried David.

"You still don't get it, do you, you dumb oaf?", asked Sacra disgruntledly. "But that's always been the problem with you. You wasted eight years of my life. You hauled me down with you. I guarantee you that, that will never happen again."

"Sacra, please.", pleaded David.

"Goodbye David.", said Sacra apathetically and cut the call.

Vaughn pulled the phone away and restored the tape and the blindfold in their respective places. He then quickly knocked him out with a blow to the back of the head.

Following morning, back at the FBI premises, the team is gearing up Sacra for the exchange. They wired her with a mic and gave her an earpiece to listen into. They strapped her with a Kevlar vest, in the event that there is open gunfire and she got caught in the midst. Highly unlikely, but they had to prepare her for the worst—case scenario.

"It's a highly sensitive mic.", explained Hugo. "We will be able to communicate the entire time. You'll be able to hear, we'll be able to hear you."

Hugo picked up his end of the mic and spoke into it.

"Test, one, two. Is that coming through?"

Sacra nodded nervously.

"We'll be nearby in case anything goes wrong. We won't be seen. It'll be just the team, the three of us. Are you up for this?"

"Y-yeah, sure."

Hugo started packing up. He was in charge of stocking for the entire team. He picked out disguises, artillery and appropriate surveillance spots for everyone.

They arrived at the Village Plaza mall. Sacra occupied the designated spot. Hugo sat across her on a park bench in such a way that they could see each other. She looked at him nervously. He gave her a nod of assurance. It seemed like a normal day. A lot of crowds, innocent people having fun with family and friends. Perfect place to hide in plain sight. Hugo despised it. Walter and Talia were nowhere near eyesight. They were holding up surveillance elsewhere.

"How you doin'?", checked in Hugo.

"A little nervous. Just hanging in.", replied Sacra.

"We got ten minutes till pickup. Keep hanging in there. Boss, any updates?"

CHERRY-PICKEDOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora