Chapter 4

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"Four million. Final offer!", announced the kidnapper.

"Yes. T–that–that's fine.", stammered Carl.

"Alright. Four million.", agreed Hugo to the kidnapper.

"I'll contact you in the morning with the delivery details."

The kidnapper disconnected the call to avoid further communication of any sort. Especially, from Luke. Anna was still crying. As soon as the feed terminated, Anna turned to Alan.

"Okay. Alan, let's get the money together as soon as possible. We don't have a lot of time. Get a hold of all our assets we can liquify and see how much they add up to", said Anna.

"Are you kidding me?", enquired Alan with copious indifference. "Look, just because you guys feel guilty doesn't mean giving away millions of dollars is the way to go about this situation. You can't just give away millions of dollars. You have to understand that this is not your fault."

"David is a high school Chemistry teacher. Sacra is an administrative assistant. They don't have this kind of cash.", retorted Carl in a loud tone and a fast pace impatiently and clearly annoyed by Alan's indifference towards the situation at hand.

"It's not your fault David isn't successful.", protested Alan. "This is not your problem."

He sounded like he was trying to help his brother, assure him that this was not their fault, put them at ease about the circumstances. But, Luke noticed that something was off with this character. Luke was cold reading him.

"Yes, it is! Okay? David is family. Now get the money.", demanded Carl.

The scenario looked like Alan was looking out for his brother but, clearly, there was a hidden agenda to Alan's reluctance in accumulating four million dollars. Luke intervened.

"Ohhh.", dragged Luke as he began to understand Alan's hidden agenda. "You don't have the money, do you?"

Anna turned to Alan in dismay. This better not be true. If it was, then God help them all.

"What?", asked Carl in a ridiculing tone to Luke's question. "Of course, he's got it.", saying, Carl turned to Alan for an affirmation.

Alan was computing in his mind, an easy way to explain himself.

"It's complicated.", is all Alan could manage.

"Explain yourself!", said Carl fuming with anger.

"Look, the market has been very unpredictable than the usual and I have done the best that I can possibly do. But...", stammered Alan, "there have been some significant reversals. I have done my best, but... most of it is tied up in illiquid securities."

"But the accounts don't reveal that.", countered Carl.

"If you want to get the four million dollars then you're gonna have to sell off assets and that might take some time. I'm sorry, Carl. I really am."

"You son of a b...", started Anna but Luke interrupted.

"I think you guys should just talk about this amongst yourselves and settle it. I'll be outside."

Luke despised confrontation. He was a pacifist. He liked to stir the pot but never be there to watch the contents boil. He proceeded to walk towards the main door of the house.

"Where do you think you're going in the middle of an investigation?", enquired Talia.

"I have some serious business to attend to and I need to do a lot of thinking. Alone.", replied Luke without stopping in his tracks or looking back.

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