Odd Della Robbia Kadic Academy Ninth grade student.

"Tovah do you plan on following me all morning?" I asked as she trailed closely behind me. She looked at me as if she was confused, "do you not want me to be with you?" She asked taking my hand and kissing my knuckles.
"Why are you being so weird?" I asked pulling away from her. "Did you go bananas from the last time I saw you? You were mad at me!"
"I could never be mad at you!" She said leaning in and kissing me, "you're too cute for me to be mad at," this was too weird.
"Why'd you kiss me?" I asked looking at her confused. "Cause I wanted to," she smiled cupping my cheek. It was so weird.

Jeremy Belpois Kadic Academy: Ninth grade student.

I had slipped away from Yumi, it was hard but it was like she was suddenly obsessed with me! I had sent out a text to Odd and Ulrich to meet me in the boy's bathroom by the gym.
"How did you get out of Tovah's clutches?" I asked Odd as he showed up first, "she kept kissing me," he started. "But I said if we were gonna keep kissing I need chapstick, so she went to the store to get my organic chapstick, so I have like ten minutes until she's looking for me again," I shrugged rubbing my neck.
"Hey, I got away from Aelita...I didn't think she could be so talkative," Ulrich said. "Do you think they're pulling some kind of prank?" He asked. "Aelita hasn't left me alone at all today," he said shaking his head.
"Yumi won't leave me alone either. It's weird," he said, "what do you think is going on?"
I pulled out my laptop and set it on the sink, I opened it and there were no activated towers, no sign of trouble.
"No activated towers," I shrugged.
"Maybe the girls are just being weird,"
Odd's phone started to buzz, "it's Tovah," he said, "she's gonna be looking for me,"
"Yeah I should go find Aelita I guess," Ulrich said shaking his head. "This is weird though. "Maybe they'll be normal in a couple of minutes and say 'surprise," he opened the door and Aelita was standing there. "I missed you, were you avoiding me?" She asked with puppy dog eyes. "That's not very nice, come on," she said turning around leading Ulrich away.
Odd Walked out and disappeared into the campus. I sat in the bathroom having some alone time, no Yumi telling me how cute I was.
Until suddenly the door to the bathroom was thrown open.
"You know Jeremy...it's not very polite to hide from people," Yumi's voice boomed through the empty bathroom. "Y-Yumi..." I stammered. "W-what are you doing? This is the boy's bathroom,"
"You were hiding from me?" She asked.
"What! I always hang out in the boy's bathroom at this hour!"
"I'm beginning to think you don't really like me..." she picked me up by my shirt and threw me across the bathroom and my back hit against the stalls, I fell hard against the ground.
"Yumi..." I groaned. "Stop," she leaned over me before picking me up and taking me to the factory boiler room. I looked into her eyes and saw the sign of XANA. But soon she punched me again leaving me out cold.

Odd Della Robbia Kadic Academy ninth grade student

"I love you," Tovah said wrapping her arms around me, I looked over at her and nodded. "You've said that," I was excited at first that Tovah had flipped for me, but now it was getting kind of annoying. "Well I love you," she giggled. I just nodded. "Aren't you gonna say it back?" She asked stopping, "I thought we had something!" She pouted. She began to walk away and I rolled my eyes following her, we ended up in the middle of the woods and she looked over her shoulder at me, "Tovah, come on." I crossed my arms. "Just chill out,"
"Chill out!" She snapped. "You chill out," she swung at me and hit me in the face. "What was that for!" She then roundhouse kicked me in the jaw. I fell to the ground and then looked up at her, I saw the XANA emblem in her eyes, "you're not yourself! Stop! I promise I'll go out with you!" I begged. The next thing I knew I was in the river by the factory.

Tovah Pressman Kadic Academy Ninth Grade student

"What're we doing here?" I asked waking up in the middle of Lyoko, I stood up and walked down the path trying to find someone, anyone.
"Hello? Aelita?" The last thing I remembered was walking to my room at 5:30 that morning, but I don't remember ever making it. I felt weak like my life points were low.
Aelita was laying on the ground at the end of the path, I went and shook her, "Hey, sleeping beauty,"
"What're we doing on Lyoko?" She asked sitting up, I held my hand out and helped her up and she seemed to be feeling weak as well.
"I have no idea why we're here," we began to walk through Lyoko and we found Yumi, "is everyone sleeping on Lyoko today?" I asked.
"Yumi?" Aelita shook her awake.
"Huh?" She shot up to her feet.
"Woah there," I said holding my hands up. "Calm down, we have to figure out why we're here, or better yet, let's devirtualize each other, on three,"
One, two, three

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