"There's no way you can beat me!" I heard him yell and an explosion followed afterwards, meaning that I successfully tricked him. While he was surprised that all he caught was my jacket, I quickly got behind him and went for an attack.

"Whoa! She flew her jacket over as a decoy!" Present Mic yelled excitedly into the microphone. "What incredible quick thinking!" He added on.

This is my chance, I can make him float! I thought as I cam up behind him, my hand was just inches away from his back before he sent another explosion at me causing my body to fly away from his. I fell onto my back but bounced onto my feet and into a ready position. 

I saw him come out from the cloud of dirt and started to move towards him, keeping my body close to the ground.

"Too slow!" Bakugo yelled and threw an underhanded explosion right at my face. I gasped as I was thrown away and into the ground. As the area cleared I came running up behind Bakugo while yelling.

"I've got you!" Holding my hand out to touch him, he quickly turned around and created another explosion in my direction. Every time he blew me away, I got right back up and charged at him, only for him to blow me away again. 

"This isn't over yet!" I yelled and charged at him again, with my hand straight out in hopes to graze his clothes. Once again, I got blown away but then started to come up with a plan. I kept my body closer and closer to the ground in order to get him to keep blowing up the area around us.

"Looks like she's not resting between attacks despite being exploded. The poor girl." I heard Present Mic say into the microphone, continuing with his commentary.

As I used my quirk more and more, the slower I got, but I still continued with my plan.

Bakugo's POV

I kept blowing Pink Cheeks up every time she came at me, not giving her a chance to touch me with her quirk.

"Hey, shouldn't one of the teachers step in?" A damn extra called out in the direction of Cementos.

"Yeah, this is too rough." Another one added on.

I payed no attention to them and stayed in my fighting position, ready for when Pink Cheeks comes at me again. She was starting to attack slower each time she came at me. Must be close to her limit. I thought as I sent her flying with another explosion.

"This is shameful. Listen, kid, you really wanna be a hero? Then stop acting like a bully. If you're so good, just send her out of bounds." Another hero in the seats called out. I just payed attention to the fight as Pink Cheeks came at me again, only for me to blow her away another time.

"Stop toying with the girl and end this match!" The same hero called out again.

"Yeah, you heard the guy!" A female extra added onto the others statement. Soon after those comments the stadium started to boo my actions, as I stayed focused on the match ahead. Who cares what those extra's think. I scoffed to myself.

"The crowd is now booing Bakugo!" Loud Mouth Parakeet said. "And honestly, I kinda agree with what they're sayin-" We heard a crash sound coming from the booth. "Hey, whoa-- what the crap?"

"Where is the man who started this uproar? Are you a pro?" I heard Mr. Aizawa take over the microphone. "Because if you're being serious, you can go home and hang up your cape. I'd suggest looking into another career."

I looked ahead and made sure to watch what Pink Cheeks was going to do next as Mr. Aizawa continued his little rant.

"Bakugo's fierceness is an acknowledgement of his opponents strength. He knows she deserves to have made it this far, so he's making sure he does whatever it takes to keep her at bay and come out on top."

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