Chapter 24: Invidious

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    Jungkook jogged across the street to Jimin shop, he didn't bother knocking just walked inside and headed upstairs. Hoseok and Jin's cars are gone, so he knew Jimin is alone, but as he drew closer to the second floor, he heard voices followed by Jimin's laughter. 

  Jimin is in a towel he had to shower after knocking a milkshake on himself, Matt is telling him hilarious stories about his fans when Jungkook walks into the room. Jimin froze, one glance at Jungkook and he could tell he is pissed.

  Jungkook walked into Jimin's room to see the singer that had kissed Jimin on TV stretched out on Jimin's bed, Jimin is standing by the dresser in nothing but a towel. He growled deep in his chest " who the fuck is he?" he barked out. Jimin flinched, he knew this looked bad " Matt, can you go to the kitchen for a few minutes" Matt nodded sitting up " is this Jungkook?" Jimin nodded. Jungkook continued to shoot the singer a glare not budging an inch from the doorway. Matt would admit Jungkook's size and the way he's glaring daggers at him is intimidating, he gave him a wide birth as he walked by.

  Jimin walked over and closed the door " this is not how it appears, he's my ex" Jungkook snorted " I don't care who he is, he doesn't get to see you like this. I am the only one that gets the pleasure, he gave up that right when you broke up" " he took my virginity, he's seen everything, touched and tasted every inch of my body" Jungkook's nostrils flared in anger as he imagined the singer touching Jimin.

  Jungkook stalked over to Jimin and grabbed him shoving him against the dresser, a gasp burst past Jimin's lips. He knew to goad Jungkook was dangerous, but he couldn't help it. Jungkook is so sexy when he's being possessive. 

  Jungkook grabbed his hips pinning him in place as he began nipping on his neck, staking his claim for all to see. Jimin arched his neck as he clutched Jungkoo's tank, giving him better access to the tender flesh. The bites hurt a bit, but the pain makes it more arousing " Matt....." he moaned as Jungkook nibbled on his Adam's Apple. 

  Jungkook froze " what the fuck did you just say?" the anger in his tone is apparent. Jimin paled "we can't do this now Matt is in the kitchen" Jungkook glowered down at him " you moaned his fucking name" Jimin blushed " my neck is my weak spot, what you were doing was driving me crazy I was trying to say Matt is in the kitchen but you bit me hard and made me moan" Jungkook relaxed realizing he had muddled Jimin's mind " I'm sorry I'm not usually this possessive" a scream rips through the air, Jimin and Jungkook glance at each other before taking off running.

  Matt is standing by the sink, his face is pale and he's shaking " what happened?" Matt glanced down the stairs " I was checking my e-mails on my phone when a person dressed all in black appeared, they had a huge knife in their hands. I screamed I think I scared them because, though they had a mask on I could see the surprise in their eyes, they turned and ran."

  Jungkook took off down the stairs, he may have a chance to catch the asshole doing this              " Jungkook" Jimin yelled, but Jungkook is already gone. I'm going to get dressed, I'll be right back." Jimin went to his room and dressed quickly, pulling on a white tank and black shorts.

  He stepped out and headed over to Matt " call you driver and have him take you to your hotel. Staying here is putting you in danger" Matt shook his head " Jimin, tell me what's going on, why didn't you call the cops?" Jimin sighed " look the less you know the better. I'm happy we had a chance to talk and I appreciate everything you did, but being here is dangerous, so please go to your hotel" Matt sighed and pulled out his phone " fine but Jungkook better stay with you or I will" Jungkook walked back into the kitchen, heading straight to Jimin to wrap his arm around his waist, pulling him closer to his side " I didn't see anyone outside" Jimin sighed " let me walk you outside" he said to Matt.

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