Chapter 21: Jealous

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     Jimin had lunch and made small talk with Jin while they ate when Hoseok walked in " what the hell are you wearing?" he said to Jin his eyes racking over his form, his gaze made Jin fidget  " I told you I look horrible" he tried to pull his top down to cover his stomach. Jimin rolled his eyes, Hoseok rubbed the back of his neck nervously " I-I didn't mean that you look bad I was just surprised I've never seen you wear stuff like this." 

  Namjoon walked into the room " hey Jungkook said you needed som-" Jin turned a smile on his face Namjoon lost his train of thought as he took in his wide shoulders and mile-long legs. Hoseok glanced between the two, frowning as he cleared his throat " why exactly are you here?" Jimin stood up "he's going to help me out today" Hoseok smiled "well I'll hangout out here and help Jin" wrapping his arm around Jin's thin waist. Jimin glanced at Namjoon who is staring at the arm wrapped around Jin's waist " that's nice of you but-" Hoseok cut Jin off "I'll take you to dinner tonight too we haven't spent any time together" Namjoon turned to Jimin "I'll be in the garage" he growled out, Jimin could tell by the tense set of his shoulders he is pissed.

  Namjoon turned and headed to the garage as soon as the door shut Jimin is on his feet " what the hell is wrong with you!" Jimin shouted. Jin gentle slid out of Hoseok's grasp, " dinner sounds nice, we do need to catch up. I will be upstairs cleaning if anyone needs me" Jin left the room, Jimin waited a few seconds before speaking "  do you like Jin?" Hoseok sighed sitting down at the table " Jin has been hurt enough by that asshole, he's just going to use him and toss him away like all the rest I'm just trying to protect him from heartache" Jimin snorted " I know jealousy when I see it you can lie to yourself but you can't lie to me. If you want a chance tell him if not step aside and let someone else have a chance." Jimin walked to the door of the garage opening it he stepped inside to see Namjoon with his head under the hood of the car " I tightened one of the belts that were squeaking and checked all the fluids" Jimin sighed it is going to be a long day.

  Hours later Jimin and Namjoon had just walked in the house to cool off and grab something to drink when a shirtless, screaming Jin ran down the stairs. Namjoon manages to catch him" what happened?" Jin shuddered " I was cleaning the shower when a spider jumped on me I ripped my shirt off but I can't find it" Jimin shook his head " he is terrified of spiders"  Namjoon chuckled and racked his eyes up and down Jin's body making him aware of how little he is wearing, his cheeks flushed " I will go up and see if I can find it, ok" Jin smiled nodding his head.

  As soon as Namjoon disappeared upstairs Jin collapsed into a chair " oh my god I am so embarrassed" Jimin smirked " well you did leave nothing to the imagination but from what I saw he liked what he saw" Jin pressed the back of his hands to his fiery cheeks. 

  Hoseok jogged down the stairs freezing in place when he spotted the shirtless Jin " what the hell!" he ripped his shirt off tossing it to Jin " the grease monkey is upstairs in the bathroom calling to a spider, I think he's lost his mind" Hoseok noticed Jin hadn't put the shirt on " put the damn shirt on" he barked out, Jin rose to his feet balling the shirt up he tossed it in Hoseoks face " I do not belong to you so stop ordering me around like a damn dog, if I want to walk around in assless chaps I will" Jin flounced off Jimin's laughter drifting after him " well I guess he told you" Hoseok glared at him " oh shut up I just didn't want that idiot going all sex nuts because of Jin" Jimin chuckled " I think you are the one going sex nuts for Jin, I saw you checking him out" Hoseok shot him a glare " I've never seen his shirtless I was surprised, he has a six pack I had no idea he was so fit" Jimin smirked, "  and you didn't want Namjoon to see how fit he is, just admit it your jealous."

  Hoseok sighed " alright I admit it but damn it keep your mouth shut. I want to tell him myself" " tell who, what?" Jin said strolling back into the room."

  Jungkook is shoving handfuls of chips in his mouth leaning against the front counter when Yoongi walked out of the conference room " where the hell is Namjoon? I have looked everywhere for him" Jungkook brushed chip crumbs off his shirt " I sent him to help Jimin, why?" suddenly there are loud sirens they sound like they are right outside, Yoongi takes off running darting out the front door Jungkook right on his heels.

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