Aizawa sighs looking sadly at the boy. "Okay well that wasn't what i was expecting but I need you to tell me as much as you can. Your quirk?" Aizawa asks leading the boy to answer.

Izuku shivers at the thought. How could he possibly explain a quirk that's not really a quirk. Could he call it ghost? Says it makes him practically a ghost but he can't turn it off?

"I was quirkless. It basically meant an early death, for me at least. With all the quirksists out there and the bullies. It basically was death, almost but then one day my... friend got attacked by a villain and no one was helping him. He looked really scared and I couldn't help so I tried to find someone who could. I- I found a guy, he said that he could help. It had a big price to pay tho." Izuku looks away feeling the heat returning to his legs.

It's small and he pushes it away without looking. If the boy had looked he'd have seen how his feet and lower legs where the sensation is, was turning darker.

"I-I made the deal. I just wanted to save Kacchan, the guy called off the villain and a hero looked like he had saved him but I knew it wasn't the hero. I wish it was then maybe I wouldn't be stuck. Once he was saved... I couldn't back out of the deal so I was taken." Izuku snakes his head. "kidnapped." He corrected.

Izukus words trail off as the heat grows crawling up his legs. More of his burns start to show but he still pushes it away trying to ignore it.

He lets out a hiss digging his nails into his palms. "It's okay deku, take your time." Shota says. The green boy lets out a shaky nod.

"The- the villains... t-thAAh!" Izuku suddenly drops down from the sofa his balance completely gone. "I-I caAAAh..." Izuku yells out as the heat became more of a familiar burning. All this is happening just because he's thinking about what happened? Why can he talk about it? Why does the burning feel so much more real! Each nerve feels like it's on fire again sending shoots of pain through his body.

"Kid?" Aizawa say standing from his chair. "N-No!" Izuku weakly shouts.

"I-I'm fine. It's just- ah!" Izuku starts to flicker slightly. But each time he became more and more realistic. New features of the boy stand out more. Empty gray/green eyes, dark freckles that contrast white pale skin. His whole body shakes as he's forced down onto his knees. He feels Aizawa reaching out for him. No he can't touch him! "DONT TOUCH ME!" Izuku screams out as his torso is taken into the flame feeling.

Aizawa tenses. "W-What? kid!" Izuku shakes his head. "Please kid! Deku what's happening?"

The pain thrashes over his body as he falls flat on the floor. The...the floor? He's touching the floor? "That hero..." he says gritting his teeth. "My friend..." he keeps trying but the pain is becoming unbearable.

He screams out. The hero brings his phone to his ear talking to someone in a rushed tone. Izuku can't hear it. He can't hear anything except the screams of his friends, heroes and that man. His laughter as he watches a body burn. It's getting louder. "SHUT UP! SHUT UP!" He calls out. Hoping to stop what he can hear.

Above the two the lights flicker. And a dark aura surrounded the boy. "He took everything from me! Even while I was begging and screaming. That man- He is no hero!" Izuku shouts. His body burns and he feels his skin blister.  He shakes violently on the floor turning onto his back.

Aizawa races over to help no longer being able to watch. "Kid? Deku can you hear me? What the hell is going on? I'm going to touch you." He shouts out. The boy gives no response shaking more on the floor. "Ah jeez come on kid pull through." He says trying to turn the boy on his side. "Shit! Why are you so hot? This can't be normal!"

Aizawa pulls his hands away after securing the boy on his side. He looks to his now red hands that sting from the heat. He wouldn't admit it but even he is slightly scared of what's happening. A 14 year old boy is laying on his floor burning up and having seizures. He's not sure what this boy is capable of or what has happened to make him this way But he know this won't be good.

"No touch. Going to-" the boys shuts up, clenching his teeth harder as his eyes screw shut. "It's okay-" Aizawa sentence is cut short but the boy gagging harshly before throwing up. He coughs a few times letting the remaining blood trickle out his mouth. "Why am I?" Izuku questions reaching a hand to his mouth. "Deku that's blood." Aizawa says. "You said you were injured, I need the details kid."

"He's doing something to me." Izuku whispers. "I shouldn't be-" He throws up again, blood pools out of him mouth onto the floor. "Ha, and I thought I was I couldn't-" Izuku slumps, after the outburst Izuku finds himself more exhausted than ever and lets his heavy eyes shut.

"Hay no! Keep looking at me kid. Gah it's just solid blood? This really isn't good." The older man places a pillow beneath izukus mop of milky white hair and lightly wipes his head. Izuku tries to look up but even with the flicking and dimly lit lights it's still to bright.

The only thing he can think to respond with is a smile and a croaky. "Don't worry hero... I can't die-"

His body slows down the shaking and the burning slowly turns to a much more worrisome cold . "What is going on with you kid?" Aizawa says quietly to himself.

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