Odd Della Robbia Kadic Academy: Ninth Grade student

In math class I stared at the back of Tovah's head admiring her long dark brown and grey hair, she was just so...I don't know. Special, I guess. It sounded dumb but she was just amazing.
Ulrich sat next to me and drew on the corner of his paper, "I'm bored," Ulrich whispered.
Class ended and we all went to lunch, "why didn't Jeremy come to class?" He asked. Tovah looked up at me, "let's go check on him," we went up to his room and Jeremy was slumped over his computer still.
"Jeremy?" Tovah asked nudging Jeremy who soon fell onto the ground, she leaned down on her knees next to him. She nudged him but he didn't move. "Jeremy Belpois!" She said shaking him. "Aelita and Herb are dating. Nothing, we need to get him to the infirmary. But can you guys carry him this time?"
We took Jeremy to the Infirmary and Yolanda said he'd fainted, she said she would take care of him. Weird, two from our group in one day, but nothing too strange.
We all went to French class and then afterward went to find Yumi who had been at the pool, but we saw Jim carrying Yumi to the infirmary.
"What happened?" Ulrich asked.
"She fainted at the pool, it's okay, dehydration I think," he shrugged. "Nothing too drastic,"

"What do you think this means?" I asked. Tovah shrugged. "Probably separate incidents, wouldn't we all be dead or something by now if XANA was attacking?" She asked as she sat on a bench. "Anyone hungry?" She asked looking up at us, "I'm gonna go to the cafeteria, I wasn't very hungry at breakfast, so I'm starving," she said as she got up walking towards the cafeteria.  Ulrich and I stayed behind.
"Hey, I wanted to ask you something..." I said watching Tovah walk away, "what you aren't running to the cafeteria to get Yumi, Aelita, and Jeremy's portions?" He asked. I opened my mouth to say something but resisted, I wanted to be serious! "So you broke up with T and you and Yumi have an on again off again thing...so I wanted to ask, you wouldn't mind if I asked..." Ulrich crossed his arms and frowned, "what happened to Maryjane?" He asked.
"Oh, she's old news," I shrugged.
"You're going to do that to T, I know that. You act like you're super into her, but you're gonna get bored of her just like you do of all your other girlfriends!" Ulrich snapped.
"You know me so well! Don't you?" I asked. "What if I really like her? I mean you're the one who used Sissi to break up with her," I couldn't believe he was saying all this. I was the one who had liked her first! This was unbelievable.
"You know Ulrich if you wouldn't let Sissi blackmail-"
"Um...guys..." I heard a small voice peep up behind us, "what were you guys talking about?" Tovah asked. "Blackmail?" She asked tapping her fingers against her arm. "Sissi blackmailed you into breaking up with me?" She asked as she walked down the steps from the cafeteria. "Really?" She moved to storm off and I looked at Ulrich. "I didn't think she was there,"

Ulrich Stern Kadic Academy: Ninth Grade student

"Wait! I can explain! Really!" I chased after Tovah as she hurried away from us. "Really? I'd love to hear it!" She twisted around and put her hands in the air. "You broke up with me because of Sissi?" She snapped. "Wanna explain? Or are you gonna avoid me?"
"I wanted to...but you know, Sissi is blackmailing me,"
"With what?" She asked.
"She found my diary and she said she'll release what's in it if I don't go with her to the dance," I said rubbing my neck.
"What was in your diary? Stuff about Lyoko?" She asked.
"No, just personal stuff, you know stuff about my feelings..." I shrugged.
"She's blackmailing you about your feelings?" She asked.
"I...I wrote poetry in it, a lot of it,"
"You write poetry?" She asked, she came forward and rolled her eyes, "That's nothing to be embarrassed about Ulrich. You may be a big tough guy but you can have a sensitive side, you don't have to be one dimensional, but that doesn't mean I want to get back together, you let Sissi break up with me," she said taking my hand. "I like you, even if you don't want to be with me," she said softly.
I pulled her close and wrapped my arm around, I hugged her tightly, but suddenly everything was dark.

Odd Della Robbia Kadic Academy: Ninth grade student

Tovah dragged Ulrich as well as she could down the path, "Odd-" she said looking up at me, "he's heavy,"
I helped her take Ulrich to the Infirmary and we saw Aelita was waking up.
"Aelita!" Tovah said, "I will...take you up to our room, you know, so we can clear a bed," I helped her up and Tovah and I both took aside, "are we going back to bed?" She asked.
"No, we need to go to Lyoko," Tovah whispered. "Our entire team is almost completely down," we dragged her down to the factory and she was still so sleepy.
"Wake up," Tovah said waving her hand in her face.
"No, sleep..."
"How are we going to get her in a scanner?" Tovah asked.
"We can prop her up," I said.
"I think I can carry her on Lyoko when I activate my Zero Gravity," Tovah said as she dragged Aelita to the scanner. Tovah sat in Jeremy's chair and I sat on the other side and we looked at Jeremy's notes finding the virtualization program, we got it started and ran down.
We all made it to Lyoko with a semi-conscious Aelita, the gravity was different on Lyoko and once Tov activated her zero-gravity she picked up Aelita with ease.
"I don't know if I can use my blaster while carrying Aelita, I have to concentrate, look out for any monsters. The tower is this way,"
We headed towards the tower only a couple of monsters in our way.
"What did Ulrich say?" I asked.
"Really?" She asked. "You're one to be asking. Blabbermouth,"
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"What were you and Ulrich even talking about?"
"Well, if you must know, it was about the dance,"
"What about it?" We got Aelita to the tower and shook her awake. "Aelita you have to go in," she understood enough and dragged her feet into the tower. We sat at the base of the tower waiting. Tovah took her blaster out lazily shooting at a block that came towards us and hitting it.
"So, what were you talking about? Enough secrets already..."
"Well, I wanted to ask you to the dance. So I was asking Ulrich if it was okay with him,"
"Why do you need Ulrich's permission, we broke up," she said standing up, putting her blaster in its holster "he's not in charge of who I date," she crossed her arms. "Besides, aren't you with that Marisa girl or whatever her name is," she asked annoyed.
"Her name is Maryjane, and we broke up,"
"Odd, do you actually like like me?" She asked pacing back and forth, "it's just you, me, and the mountains," she turned around and looked at me with her hands on her hips.
"Why are you asking?"
"Because! You've gone through every girl in our grade, am I a number on the list?" She asked softly yet sternly.
"Hey not everyone! I haven't dated Aelita,"
"That's not the point! I want you to actually like me," she shook her head turning to look at the tower. "Anyway. We should go see if..." we were devirtualized and back in our chambers.
Aelita seemed back to her senses as she got out, "Hey guys, when did we go to Lyoko?" She asked rubbing her forehead.
"I'll explain everything to you in our room," Tovah said as she helped Aelita up. She looked back at me as she helped Aelita up.
"See you Odd, tomorrow is Sunday, so at least we can sleep in," she said winking.

Back in our room, Ulrich had been released from the infirmary, he was laying back in bed.
"Hey, what is Sissi blackmailing you with?" I asked.
"Promise not to laugh?" He said sitting up. I nodded sitting back on my bed, "promise! I would never,"
"It's a diary,"
"A diary? Is it about Lyoko?"
"No! I'm not that dumb, it's just about...my feelings and other stuff,"
"Okay? Why is that bad,"
"I wrote poetry, lots of it,"
"Poetry?" I laughed. "Why would you do that! With Sissi crawling around? Did you write one for me!"
"Hey! You said you wouldn't laugh! I don't have to be a tough guy all the time. I really like Tovah...so maybe I wanna show my soft side! Girls like that you know! You should try it,"
"Yeah well, maybe she likes me!"
"You're so annoying! I'm going to go sleep in-"
"Don't say Tovah's room!"
"No," he said putting his hand on his forehead. "Jeremy's room, someone who isn't a big jerk," he said grabbing his pillow and blanket.
"Why don't you just date Yumi!" I yelled, but he was already gone. This was dumb. Why couldn't he just back off? I liked her first. He knows that. What was I going to do? The dance was in three days.

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