Road trip to Winston

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It been a few months sense we had our meet with dr. Charles and we all felt like we need to just get out of Chicago for a few days so me Kim,Jay, Adam, Antonio , hank and all of our kid decided to go up to jay cabin in Winston we where all really excited about it plus everyone had a whole bunch a fur-low days that they needed to use so we thought this would be a perfect way to lose and not only do the kids all get to hang out together but it's just nice to get together catch up. It was about 5:30 in the morning when I her Emma starting to get fussy this is her normal time that she normally wake up she definitely not the kid that like to sleep in. Hi baby girl it ok wanna come lay with me and your dad for a little bit. "Ya." Erin what going on we do have to leave until 12:00." I know jay I your daughter gave us our normal 5:30 wake up call. " is she ok." Ya she fine I think that her waking up Alone in the dark scare her just a little bit sit she ok I said she could come lay with us so now you are all caught up go back to sleep.

It was about 10:30 and Erin was finish packing the kid and her stuff. We are all meeting at the district hank got us a bus and we need to be at the distracted by 11:30. I was preparing thing for Emma to eat she and thing for her to do while we whereon the bus ride just incase thing to be to much for her on the bus it will be a totally of 10 of us. Erin we need to go. " I'm coming jay Ben go get your shoe on."K mom."


H: hey erin Her I'll take her
E: thx hank jay is getting his sleeping son out of the back seat because he did not what to go to bed  last night he is so jay kid.
H: well Justin used to do the same 
E: really
H: ya
A: hey let go and where are Adam and Kim
E: Kim said she was 5 minutes out and were Diego
A: him did not what to come so I left him at home
J: hey Antonio where Diego
E: did not what to come  now come on let get on the bus
K: hey sorry we are late Adam drives like a turtle and it took us forever to get grace out the house
H: no problem let go!


EC: mama daddy to much
E: what to much too much noise Siri too many people.
EC: to much mama mama
E: ok breath why don't we go take a nap like dad you did wake up really early today. She out like a light wait wait five minutes befor you boy start ruff house again
H: hey we are an hour out any one wnat yo stop for food or just to stretch
K: ya I think our kid and mister Benjamin need to get out and jay run for a minute why don't we stop at  McDonald's it has a play place or something like that.
E: ya good Idea Antonio
A: ya good with me
H: ok then I think their one on the next exit I'll tell the driver.

K/ Erin  we are her wake up
E: Kim ya we are her  get up 
E:  where Emma and Ben
K: Ben is with Adam hang out with our kid inside  and so is jay and ever on Else and Emma is still sleeping out there we decided not to wake her we didn't want to startle her or anything.
E: ya ok I'll get her why Didn't jay get her
K: well Ben him and Adam got into a bit of trouble with your father.
E: Hank what did they do this time.
K: Adam started teasing Jay Lynn been picked up on it they were throwing paper balls back-and-forth at each other in one hit Hank.
E: omg no I did not! Emma baby time to wake up
EC: mama I'm hungry
E: hi baby ok let go can I can carry you while I grab my bag
EC: ya
E: hey boys I heard you got into som trouble on the ride her
J: how told you
E: how do you think. Hank still pissed at you
AD: no around playing with the kid
EC: daddy I'm hunger
A: well little one I have some goldfish
EC: mama
E: ya that ok go ahead I have to talk to daddy and uncle Adam. So for one Kim how did you ever have a kid with this man child and my beloved husband our son act enough like Adam I don't think you need to turn them against his own grandpa
J: oh erin he fine it still out angle and we don't mean for it to hit hank Ben the one that throws it trying to hit Adam
E: you have just proved my point
A: Adam help me out her oh no i like sleeping in a bed and their are only 4 bed room and one couch so I just say I'm sorry and make my wife and the mother of my child happy.
K: oh really so when you say sorry you don't mean It.
A: no baby I do and I'm going to go be a good husband and distract myself from this conversation and say that I love very much.
K: um nice save now go
E: and what about you mister no more trying our sun into Adam and no more throwing paper ball at your boss and father inlaw.
J: yes my Lovable wife will not happen again I'm i out of trouble no
E: just go and we are down having boys one is enough
J: aw but I'm having so much fun for this one
E: JAY GO! be for you end up on that one couch tonight.

ERIN: ever one Else was pretty much in bed sleep the only ones that was still up where Me kim jay Adam . Hank and Antonio turned in early it was about 1030 at night and both of our kids were still up. Hey Ben let go to bed jay can you put Emma down . " ya go put the big man to bed I got her."
Mom I don't want to go to bed i'm not tired." This is not up for discussion go upstairs right now and get PJs on. Dad Ben day. Hey no Go upstairs get your PJs on and you better be ready for bed in the next five minutes or no video and no hang with friends for the next week understand. Fine. Ben day. See this is what I mean we are only having one of those the rest have got to be boys. " so your telling me that you want another child and at this point kim and I don't we're listening to the conversation." Ha ya ha very funny let hand the two that we have. Good night guy. night kim say

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