3 year latter

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SUMMARY: Ben is 4 and Emma is 3 and has a low case of autism witches means  that she definitely think different than everyone else does and may need some help in school is sensitive to loud noises intends to scratch her arm or pull her hair when somethings bothering her or when she scared but is still the most lovable and bright shining good girl ever it keep jay and Erin on their feet but they love ever minute of it and wouldn't trade it for the world erin left intelligence and is now a stay at home mom and jay it the only cop in the family now.
P.S My cousin is autistic so I am just going off of my own basic personal experience with being around someone that is autistic I also work with special needs kids for a summer job so this is just my personal experience and I know that all special needs kids are different so please do not come at me about this.

ERIN:/ JAY/ the kids
[EC: Emma Camille]
E: Benjamin teddy halstead come her right now
B: ya mom
E: I thought you father told you to get this room clean up you toy are everywhere  please get this done ok buddy I have to go check in your sister
B: mom
E: now or no hang out with james this weekend or al all until you get this done understand
B: fine where dad
E: Ben just clean the room and he a work he will be at home latter.  
EC: mama mama
E: hey it ok remember what me and your dad said can you breathe with me. Hey em have you been Scratching your arm again and pulling on your hair
EC: mama I can't help it I'm sorry
E: it ok baby that why me and you dad bought you a stress ball and also some other thing when you fell like that just come to  me or you dad we love you and we know that this can be hard and that the way you fell you just want it to stop not you have to know that it ok that fell that way and we love you with all our hart and this dose not make you any different then you big brother you know what this make you this make you your own different person and begin like this and Feeling this way and needing just a little more help when everyone else does make you your own unique person and we love you some much ok and don't you ever forget. No come on I think I her your Brother and your dad downstairs.
J: her! How my gurl doing
E: fine we had a little brake down just now but we worked through it didn't we
EC: ya daddy I'm sorry for scratching
E: she was try in the new coat it Kim guard and it seem like it was really sensitive to her skin it was just bothering her and I walked into the room and she was having a little bit of a meltdown but we fix it and it all better and the most important thing  is that we love you and to come to us and tell us when  bothering you.
J: ya your mom right we love you and we understand and we are her to help you so don't ever be afraid to come tell us. How was Ben
E: well your son and I got into it to day when it came to him cleaning his room I wonder sometimes where my sweet lovable two-year-old little boy went is their any way we stop  him from growing up he spending way too much time with Adam.
J: ha um for one no two he is 4 erin and 3 he love his aunt Kim and uncle Adam
E: ya I know
B: hi daddy
E: did you clean that room of your mr.
B: ya I did mom
J: oh hey I forgot to tell you the team is coming Tonight they miss seeing you .
E: ya I miss them two we have just been so Busy with Emma and I really want to Focus on her.
J: ya I her you you good with them coming over
E: ya it going to be good to see them.

J: their are her Erin
E: I'm coming
B: hi uncle Adam aunt Kim grandpa Hank uncle Kevin uncle Antonio  Aunt Platt
E: hey buddy
H: hey where you mom
B: she upstairs getting em she had a melt down
J: everyone her we are in the living room  come on
E: I'm right her jay
H: hey kiddo how are you we miss you
E: I'm good  I miss you guy to  BOOM! What the hell was that
J: Erin children and it the Microwave the hot dog for the kid probably just explode I will clean it up
EC: mama mama I-I- stop stop
E: hey hey look at me just breathe it ok it was just the microwave you're OK I'm right her
EC: ma-ma- mama help
E: Emma look at me don't look at any one else but me Ok I'm going to take your hand I'm mine and I want you to breath with me  ok
B: mommy is em ok
E: she fine baby
EC: let go let go
E: I can't baby you can't hurt your self we talk about this you can hug and please me or you can use on your stress balls but I can't let your baby. I'll let go once you settle down I will let go. About 10 minutes latter  Emma had calm down and Ben was in bed  it was about 9:30 and we where all still in the living room having a drink and catching up Emma was still breath pretty heavy but was calm down.
J: hey I can put her to bed erin Sit with her for a bit why don't you catcher I go to work every day so.  
E: you sure
J: ya I'll be back
H: so how is she doing kiddo
E: ok she has her freak out moments here and there in we're getting better she's getting better we have an appointment with Dr. Charles in two weeks  I know for sure that she has a very low case of autism from now only things that seem really get to her loud noises different kind of close otherwise she's been annoying you're going to keep it just runs around and plays with her brother.
H: how is her by the way I Heard Adam has been rubbing off on him.
E: well he acting more like his uncle Adam and he is my child lately. I ever this bad? I ask him to clean his room earlier today and he asked for Jay lately he has been play  me and Jay against each other or he thinks he can play me and jay.
H: he is you kid trust me you and Justin used to do the same thing  when you would ask form something or we would tell you  could not go out.
E: really
H: ya
J: everyone gone
E: ya it 11:30 jay you guy have work the next morning and Kim and Adam have kid to go home to and so dose Antonio. How em
J: she finally asleep She  was really Startled by that
E: ya well jay will warned us about this we got this year she needs.
J: Erin I know that and I'm not say she trouble I love her and I would not trade it for the world. I just think she has been a little more worked up the normal.
E: ya your right I think you should take Benjamin to school befor woke and if you could take him to the District after I think it just would be nice for her not to have bouncing around Madison for me and her to just have a one on one attention
J: ya good idea come on let go to sleep.

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