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I knew 8 months people and I woke up with a aching pain in my back and my stomach I figured it was just a baby moving so I ignored it and got up to go take a shower. I was in the shower and little did I know my water had broken. I got out of the shower and I started having what felt like contractions I chalked it up to Just being Braxton Hicks contractions and went out and saw jay wake in bed looking at his phone I tell him to come on or we will be late and that when I felt it again but this time it was a lot stronger and more painful. Jay look at me and started ask me all the questions. Are you ok? Is it the baby? I'm calling will. Jay no I think it just Braxton Hicks contractions .

JAY: I woke up and heard the shower rang so I figured Erin had hopped in and gotten ready for work I decided to just sit and lay in the bed for a wow because it was only 530 which means we still had two hours before we need to leave Erin came out the bathroom and of course was snapping at me to get up and get ready for work when she doubled over in pain she proceeded to tell me that it was just Braxton Hicks contraction I told her ok And we were on our way out the door when she had another bunch of pain this time I did not think that it was Braxton Hicks but I didn't wanna push so once it passed we left the house. About halfway to the district Aaron was in more pain than she was this morning and she was constantly having contractions.

J: Erin I contractions and taking you to med your in so much pain and I hate seeing you going to the district and taking you to Chicago med.
E: Jay I'm fine ok I- owwwwww
J: I'm taking you to med ok Er I love you and I hey seeing you i this much pain.
(10 minutes latter at Chicago med)
E: Jay I can't move it hurt j-j-jay it hurts!
J: I know just breathing Er I'm right her I will carry you in. Can you page D.r Halstead and Natalie including Dr. Rhodes.
M= Maggie
M: sure thing her set her one the stretcher and we let get he room to a room. What going .
J: I think she I'm labor she was having pain this morning and it just got worse in the car ok the way to work so I made her come her.
E: JAY!! Is the baby ok I jay I'm scared what is we are losing the baby.
R= Rhodes
R: hey what seem to be going on.
J: I thin o she in labor .
R: Weill let get you into a gown and take a look call when your done and your brother is in a surgery he said he will be out as soon as he can and Natalie is not on the clock was trying to get a hold of her .
J: k thx will do .
E: Jay help me get into this stupid thing and FYI I am never having another kid with you until this one is 25!
JAY: after Erin changed into I helped her onto the bed to go call D.R Rhodes. He can into the room and gave erin an exam how was still in lot of pain and screaming. He came back out and told me that I could go in and see her and that she was in fact in and she was 7 cm dilated da so you still have some time.
Jay I'm sorry I so stupid I should've known my water broke in the shower when I felt something trickling down my leg you should've ignored it should've told you what was going on.
J: it's not your fault you were in the shower it's understandable that you didn't know and it's OK for babies OK and he'll look at it this way we're going to meet our baby boy today I'm going to go call hank and the team are you going to be ok for a few.
E: ya I should be ok.
H: Jay where the hell are you is the baby OK Jay I swear to god if anything is happened to them.
J: Hank calmed down she fine you and the team to get down to med she is in labor and 7cm dilate.
H: ok ok I'm on my what are you in 10.
10 minutes latter every on is her and hank and jay are holding Erin hands.
E: h-h-hank Kim can you guy stay
H: ya sure thing kiddo I would love to see my grandson be born
K; of course I can't wait to meet him and be his aunt.
E: awwwww
J: hey I'm her jay breath. I'm going to go get the D.R I'll be right back
H: go jay I got her we all do
R: hey Erin I'm going to take a look and we need you guy to clear out.
E: wait I want jay hank and Kim her for the birthday
R: ok but the rest out you clear out
We will see you after Erin you doing great
D: ok, let have a look. Ok, Erin, you are 10cm dilated it time to have your baby
E: ok jay!
J: I'm right here is going to be ok let have a baby. Erin look at hank and Kim for reassurance and they both give her a Stern nod tell her it going to be ok and that she is doing great
R: ok Erin I'm the Count of three I need you to push 1.2.3 push Erin push. Aging 1.2.3 push!
J: after 45 minutes of push and an exhausted area that has been screaming in pain we finally her a screeching cry. Me and Erin and Kim were crying out the tears of joy as he is placed on Erin's chests this was the best day of my life and I will never forget this day.

2-hours l latter latte I Erin was sleep she was still tried form giving birth to our son how is sleeping as well. Everyone was going to be coming by later to see him we didn't what them all her right after Erin give birth I wanted her to rest so we decided that they could come back a little later in the day.

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