Getting thing back on track

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Benjamin was 8 months now and was doing a lot better. Bunny was in jail and got a 20-year sentenced. It was about 6:30 in the morning and Erin had returned to work. She was still asleep she was up with Ben a lot last night he just didn't want to go to sleep. I got out of bed and went to get ready for the day and check on Ben he did not end up going to bed until midnight so as I expected he was still asleep and I was off to take a shower.

I woke up at 7:00 and jay was not in the room or in our bathroom so went to go see if he was downstairs   And there he was.  Sitting on the couch looking at his phone I went down to sit next to him. Hey, why didn't you want me?
" I was trying to give up a chance to sleep I figured if you were still sleeping I would call Voight to tell him to go put us down for two-person hours, jay says."Ya, that actually sounds good and speaking of two person-hours where is Ben. "he is sleeping still I checked on him at 6:47" jay says. ok I'm going I go take a shower.

J: hey hank me and erin need two hour off work to day.
H: ok why what up.
J: Ben didn't go to sleep until midnight night and lately, he been fight sleep and not wanting to go to bed so Erin stayed up with him we been take true and he is still sleep I just want to give him and from some rest.
H: ya no problem. We are just doing paperwork today and I know how Erin fell about to bring him into work but he brings happiness to the room so if you could talk her into letting me see my grandson today that would be great.
J: will do hank.

I got off the phone with hank and went to go check on Ben. He was still Knocked out but I could tell he wasn't going to be for much longer so I went downstairs and decided to get him a bottle because I knew when he woke up he was gonna be a little cranky. While his bottle was warming up Erin came up behind me and wrapped her arms around my waist. Hey so Voight said we could just bring Been to work with us. " jay you know how I fell about to bring him to the District erin say." I know Erin but he really want to see him and Ben is exhausted and tired and I really don't want to drag him to daycare and have him have a  tantrum I just rather he stay with us for the day plus Hank said all we're doing is paperwork come on Er. "Fine give me the bottle I'll feed  him up you go get a bag back for him and get him dressed so we can go Erin say."

AD= Adam, AK= Kevin Atwater
AD:  hey little man her.
J: shhh he is sleeping in not sure he fell to well. Hey, Er I'm going to lay him down in hank office.
E: ok.
K: hey I heard mini Jay is her.
E: ya he is in hank office sleeping
K: oh ok I will tell Kim, Al, Antonio to be quite when they come up.
E: thx me and jay don't think he fell very well.were hank.
AD: he in the interrogation
E: with who I thought you guy were just doing paperwork
AK: chill Er he in there with Trudy they had something to talk about.
E: k
H: hey kiddo how are you.
E: fine Ben is in your off up I guess he up now.
H: ill go get him you stay here
E: there he is hey hank I think I want to head out he had been sleeping all day and I not think he fell good so I want to take him to will make sure everything ok.
H: ya go right ahead ill let jay now you left to give him a ride back to your apartment.

E: hey will do you mind coming over I don't think. He fell every well
W: ya no problem be there in 20 minutes
(20minutes later)
W: hey er where the little guy.
E: on the couch sleep again I'm going to make him a bottle so he is at least cooperative while you check him out give me 5 minutes be for you to go anywhere near him.
W: ya no problem where is jay.
E: he is still at work I left earlier because I wanted you to look at him and I didn't wanna drag him to the rest of the day. Ok you can take a look now...................................
W: he looks like he has had a fever all day but nothing to Really to worry about just try putting a cool cloth on his forehead and let them rest.I'm going to take off they need me back at the hospital, I'll talk to you later check up on him tomorrow.

ERIN: I puta cool Cloth on Ben and put him in his crib then when to go make dinner jay was in the shower after a food fight with Adam I'm not really sure he just smells bad.

JAY: hoped out the showers and erin had made dinner. Hey, do you want to go get Benjamin and try to get him to eat he's been living off the formula all day I think it might be a good idea just to get some food I'm him? " ya ill go get him to see if he will eat anything erin say." erin coke back with a very out of it little boy me and erin try to get him to ear but he just curls up and buries his face into areas chest and wants to go back to sleep then a few minutes later started cry more like screaming so Er took and lay him back down in the bassinet we have in the living room and gave him a half a bottle so he would settle down a bit. After we did eat we decided to move ben into our room for the night just in case he starts to get fussy and so Erin can Put a cool cloth on him every once in a while just to cool him off we decided to let him sleep in just his diaper thinking it would help the situation a bit and make them feel just a bit better.

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