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    (P.s ben is now 12 months old )
Erin was 12 week pregnant and you could start to see a little baby bump and at this point could no long hid it Plus she's been doing more deaths than anything and I think the team is starting to figure it out so We are going to tell them today I just had to get erin on bored with it first she was a little bit hesitant to tell the team didn't want them to worry too much about her but I just Kept reassuring her that's it was going to be fine.

ERIN: me and jay we're on our way to the district and he kept badgering me about telling the team today I was a little bit skeptical about tell them but he was right I was starting to show and they where family so I understand why we need to tell them. I was driving and jay just could not wait until I was two big to drive I never let him drive and the only time I let him drive us when I'm pregnant or something has happened.

Hey you two how the Wedding planning going Antonio say. It not two bad but I and Erin have an announcement to make as I say that hank comes out if his office and looks at Erin how has this worried look on her face and in exchange, he gives her a nod tell her that it is ok and to just breath. So Erin and I am going to have another little one running around her. OMG I'm so happy for you Kim everyone else says wait I don't get it Adam says. She pregnant again man how did you become one of the most elite detectives let alone work for this unit it amazing that you have been here so long man. Hey you know you love me and I'm not really sure that is a question for Al and Sarge Adam say I look over at Al how just shakes his head and doesn't really know how he made that mistake either then I look at hank and he gives me the same look. About 5 minutes later Erin goes to ask Platt to pick up Ben for us and bring him back it was only 12:00 and we did not get off of work until 8:30 we have all been really busy with this drug case we worked in days ago and have been buried in paperwork that no of us have thought until today. Thank took us off of any case for the week so we could get this paperwork done.

Erin/ Platt
E: hey platt
p: hey erin what up
E: Well I need a favor and I also need to tell you something. I at Platt go into the office right across from her desk and I shut the door.
P: ok what up
E: well me and jay are going to have another baby
p: omg Erin I'm so happy for you does hank and everyone else now
E: ya they do we just told the hour ago
P: that Great I'm proud of you and happy for you erin what was your favor that you needed.
E: I need you to go pick up Ben for me and bring him back to the district.
P: really you normally don't like them here.
E: Yeah but I miss my boy and he's been hanging out with his uncle well and Natalie and I think he misses me and Jay a lot so I figured he could come to hang out with me and Jay and the rest of his family today also I'm starting to like him here he brightens up the room plus all we're doing is paperwork so we could use a little sunshine.
P: ok ya no problem one mini chuckle come up.

Erik goose back upstairs and start doing her pile of About 20 minutes later she has giggling laughing and screaming she knows exactly who this as the sounds reach the top of the stairs her and Jay look over and all they gear is mommy!!! Erin and jay loot at each other and Then back at Ben who was being held by mommy he say again his first word I say I'm so proud of you bud. As I take Ben from Platt jay walk over and give the both of us a hug and try to get Ben to day daddy it was the cutes thing ever and really warmed my heart. Kim and Adam came out of the interrogation room shooting with Antonio and Al and all ran over to me jay and Ben fight over how get him first I hand him to Al since I was like a second father to me as well as he doesn't really get to spend much time with him so it was nice and odd to see him run after Ben like that normal I have to give Ben to Al . We where getting ready to leave and jay was walking up the step and Ben was playing with a toy when he said it Daddy!! Omg god kin say is that his first words Kim ask. No he said mommy a few Minutes after you all came out of the that was his first work Daddy ya bud that your dad. As all three of us are walking out Kim asked so have you set a wedding date yet no not yet be we have figured in one of things I think I'm gonna go dress shopping next weekend maybe maybe you me and Platt can go together ya that work be great and one more thing I want to ask while jay put Ben in the car will you be my best person. Omg yes erin thank you I'll see you you tomorrow night, night I say back to Kim.

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