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Jay comes one we have em Doctor appointment in an hour we need to leave and go drop Ben off at hanks. Today was the day that we were going to get a little more insight on how to deal with Emma autism and thing we could do to help her when she upset or thing bother her this was also the day that I and jay decided to let Ben have a sleepover at his friends he asks but me and jay for a while now but we have Been a little skeptical he's only four so we were not sure but he has been a big help when it comes to his sister and plays with her and just being amazing sent me and Jay figured we would surprise. 
Jay Ben me and your sister are leaving in 5 minutes. " we are right here Erin." Ok well, let go.

(AT CHICAGO MED) C= Dr. Charles
C: hi Erin jay this must be  Emma
E: ya can you say hi
EC: mama mama
J: hey it ok Dr. Charles is a friend of mommy and daddy  he her to help we are just going to talk you can sit on my lap the whole time ok
EC: ok daddy
J: ok
C: ok let go into my office so I'm just here to help this is really all on you guys I don't live with her and I am not her parents so I am just here to help and give you support and give you guys some different techniques and things you guys and use so why don't we start off with what are some things you guys have been seeing witnessing at home.
E: well we do notice that she is very sensitive to loud noises which we do that could be a possibility from when Will told us biggest issue that we've had is when she gets upset she tends to pick or scratch at her owner's again sometimes it can vary to her even just kind of tugging on her hair a little bit.
C: ok what are you guys doing to stop that to help her through that.
J: well either errands or her brother will kinda just grab her hands in and hold them talk to her keep her calm let her know that we're not going anywhere let her know that she's OK and safe and we ended up buying her some stress Boss she hasn't really use them often.
C: ok try finding something to distract her like maybe a movie finding a toy something that takes your mind off of it she have her outside at all just gonna run around she play with other kids.
J: well erin is not a cop anymore, So she's at home with the kids all day she plays with her cousin Owen and Kim and Adam kids we go to the part something and em normal like to stay by erin I think The big crowd of kids maybe people need to know if it's just a bit we try not to force her into it.
C: ya that good um when Emma her older she should open up just a bit more when it comes to being in crowds like that it's good that you guys are taking her to the park tonight it's going to really help for when she goes to school.
E: (about an hour and latter) well thank you we will try that thing can you say bye Emma
EC: bye
C: bye Emma.

B: mom dad grandpa Hank and I are home mama!
E: I her!
H: hey how did it go
E: really good em was a little shy at first but was ok and Dr. Charles gave us some tips to use to help her
hey ben can you play with Emma I need to talk to Grandpa
h: what up
E: so have you Heard Justin I tried contacting him but he's not picking up or responding to me and I just haven't seen him since he was born didn't know if you knew where he was overseas still
H: he okErin he is coming back for good it 6 months and him and olive are going to go and move to LA he knows your dealing with a lot and have your family to worry about he tries not to worry you with the thing and you becoming his big sister I'll tell him to call you.
E: thx I just miss my little bro
H: ya well I'm going to go
E: bye hey Been go pack a bag
B: why
E: Me and your dad are going to allow him to sleep over Lucas's tonight we already cleared his mom his mom will be here in about two hours.
B: really mama thx we're dad by the way
E: he in the kitchen and your welcome


J: Ben just left and Emma is in bed we have the all this alone time want to play a few round of scrabble
E: Jay!
J: come on erin you now I love it when your in mom mood it really hot
E: oh is it.
Thing get really heated after jay ask erin to have sex with him and before they close where off and they wher head to the bed room. JAY! I love. I love you to erin. About an hour latter they both had finished 3 round and could her Emma over the Monitor.
J: I'll go get her you go take a shower you are all mess and stick Babe
E: and how fault is that
J: well I could always lick it off of you you now I love the taste of you
E: ha ha ha I wish I could but we do have children that need us and Emma seem to need our attention to I'll have to take a range I'll be able to shower in 15.
J: oh how that that
EC: mama
E: ya go take a I am sure your sticky to I'll take her
About another 15 minutes latter jay was in bed and had shower we where snuggled up in bed we had given Emma a snack to and watch a move not long after all three of us went to sleep for the night.

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