We found erin

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Boss we got something. So we tracked the GPS on her car and we found it about 2 miles away from her apartment on the corner of fifth and hall. We went to go check it out and she found her badge and gun on the floor in the back there was also blood on the seats think that Lindsay is injured or was it on back of the head. Anyway there are a lot of warehouses and vacant house that are in a 2 mile to 1 mile radius of Lindsey's apartment we are thinking that she's in one of those buildings and it might be worth a look.

We where thing that me kim and Adam could start with with the one that are right in the Area and we could take some patrolman with us for back up and you jay and al go check out the ones that are the 1 to 2 mile radius.

No we need to know an exact location we don't want to spook the guy if we spook him we may never see Lindsey again she is and she is my daughter you're going to find her and find the prick that did this to her. Do we have anything else that could possibly lead us to her. Mouse what do you got?

Well like him and Antonio said we tractor car but then another thing came up does Lindsay wear a watch like a Fitbit or an Apple Watch.
J= jay /m=mouse H= Hank
J: ya she wears her Fitbit to track her steps in the morning but she normally takes it off somewhere around the day.
M: OK if it's still on I think I can track her exact location.
H: good track now let me know when do you have a location.
Hey hank I hate to think like this but you are the only one that fell the same as me right know I'm Spirit that we are going to find her it's been a total of eight hours how many kidnappings do you know successfully end with asking in a bit them back alive. Boss I do know Lindsey and I'm afraid of losing more and later in my life rather we're allowed to date or not I need her in my life as my partner for work ok I love her and I know you don't approve and that you don't what is to be together but I love her and one with calendar I want to be with her and I want to be able to have her back 24 seven not only just as her partner at work but as her boyfriend so I'm ask for your blessing to date your daughter Erin Lindsay Voight.

Jay I know you love and I know she loves you and I see how happy you make her but right now let's focus on finding her and I will think about letting you guys . Mouse you got anything yet

I got some thing. The GPS on her watch pins off of a tower Near 25th and third.

K= Kim , m= mouse ,h= hank.
K: really that's is 5 Blocks away from where we found her car
M: i'll send you guys an exact location
H: all right gear up remover in five


Antonio Kim Atwater go to the back of the building Jay Al and Adam with me we go in throught the front we use any force necessary to get her back understand. Ya got boss ok know move on my go

I stopped counting after four hours but it's still light outside so I couldn't of been here long. I was cold and felt violated and all I want it was my team to come save me. I heard a door bust open and people yelling I figured it was my biological Bother coming back to rape me Again but then Jay busted into the room with Hank and the rest of the teams was so relieved to be rescued that I was crying my eyes out. Jay come up and hugged me told me that it was going to be OK going to touch me or hurt me like that aging we stood there for about five minutes with me in his arms and then he said that we needed to get me to Chicago med told him no and that I just wanted I go hike and be with him and that I loved him. He told me that he loved me to and that I need to go get check out hank was also badgering me and begging me to go and get checked I said ok .

Before we left hank said he need to ask me a question I said ok and what is it Who did this to you. You don't know I thought you guys caught up. Er what are you talking about you are the only one we found her how did this. My biological fathers. Ok I have one more question where you raped you pant are on the floor with your underwear and you are just in a shirt so I have to ask. I look at jay and them look at the ground. Jay told me that It was going to be ok and that he right her with me and it ok. I said yes and Started to cry again jay scooped me up in his arms and carried me to Hanks car. He got in the backseat with me and he drove med .

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