Life is better then ever until life happened

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(A month later)/ ( BENJAMIN IS 2 months)
I woke up to find Erin and Ben on the couch with Er asleep and cute as ever seeing the made me realize how much I loved Erin and that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her I wanted to marry her. But I wanted to wait until our son was 4 the least Erin been under a lot of stress Ben has not been sleeping very well lately which is caused Erin looking white sauce did and I am back at work so she's at home with him all day and even though she doesn't show it you can tell does she hasn't gotten much sleep and is exhausted so I don't what to puts a more Stress on her. I decided to head into work early and asked Hank for his blessing so when the time came I could ask the love of my life to be mine so I grabbed my keys and headed to work.

J: I walk up and went into Hanks office
H: what are you doing here so early how Erin doing
J: she fine she under a lot of stress Ben has not been sleeping much and so Erin has not been getting any sleep for that matter but she pulling through
H: well aren't you up with her
J: she doesn't wake me I don't know why I think she just fell bad or something is not really sure I told her she can wake up me at any time and I would get him but she doesn't.
H: I'll try to talk to her I've noticed she been off lately.
J: k
H is there something else that you came in here for
J: ya I'm not going to ask her to know but I would like to marry her sarge she is the love of my life and seeing her with our son this morning made me realize that even more and I want to be with her for the rest of my life so with your blessing I would like to Marry your daughter Erin Lindsay Voight.
H: Jay I see how much good you do for her and I see how good she is for you so I would love to have you as my son-in-law.
J: thx hank
H: hey we do t have any case today so why don't you go home take the day off give her time to rest and see if you can snoop out what wrong.
J: ya thx hank for everything and I will

I woke up to Ben in my arm just lay their peacefully I'm looking up at the ceiling I fell a little bit more rested them normal Ben slept longer than normal last night so I only had to get up and to my surprise, he was actually pretty calm and his mom he slept. I went to put Banner down in his bassinet looked around for Jay couldn't find him so I figured he was at work I know he's been worried about me lately so it just Surprisingly he didn't take Benjamin out of my arms and lay him down himself. I went over to my son to feed him and spend some time with him when jay came into the apartment. Hey baba what are you doing home I that you were at work Erin said?
Well, I went in to ask hank something and he let me go so I can home hey we need to talk. Ok let me feed and put Ben back down and I'll be right there is everything ok Erin said. Just meet me in our bedroom.

(15 minutes later)
E: I finished feed Ben and go into line and jay room after I put Ben in his crib. Jay baby what rong
J: I don't know why even hate you notices that you're acting weird and I don't think it's because of bad and I don't think it's because you're tired what's going on.
E: first Babe how could you think it was ever because of Ben I love Benjamin with all my heart. And I'm just tired and a little stressed but in fine
J: you say you fine But we can see that you're not Er you can talk to me please don't shut me out.
E: ok I have been a little because my mom chips, what if she shows up here as she did but if she hurts I'm scared I don't know what she's gonna do she keeps trying to get me to help her she needs cash I told her no but she won't leave me alone.
J: oh baba why didn't you tell me or Hank and I can promise you right now I am not gonna let her hurt you or our son and neither is hank ok I'm going to ask him to come over tonight figure out what we can do.
J: hey hank thanks for coming to get over her on the couch with Ben
H: ya any time what going on
J: Erin has something to tell you. It ok Erin tell him
H: her let me take him. What the wrong kiddo.
E: so the Reason I've been off late because of Bunny she has been contacting me asking for money and help. Of course, I told her no but what happens if she comes back her and hurt me like she did when I was pregnant with Ben or hurt Ben
H: hey kiddo is going to be fine I will post tow offices outside the door and two planes close of outside the building she won't get anywhere near you or my grandson everything going to be ok.
E: I look at jay for extra reassurance and he just nodded back at me. After we talked we set down and watch the Cubs game around that time is Was around that time ben started getting fussy.
H: hey I'll go get him you stay here
E: thx hank But he probably hunger and you chat satisfy him I laugh as I say it. And he looks at me with a don't be a smart ass look and jay laugh As I guy up to go get Ben.
H: so when are you going to ask
J: I plan on doing it when Ben's a little bit older she's under a lot of stress with this whole bunny thing in her barely getting any sleep I don't want to put any more pressure on her.
H: ok just let me know I'll cover the whole thing. I'm going to get going to see you tomorrow.
J: After Hank left I went upstairs to go check on Aaron and then was sound asleep in his crib and Aaron was sleeping in the rocking chair I picked her up and took Er to bed.

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