The beginning

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I woke up around 6:30 not wanting to get out of bed I hatted the morning especially sense jay was not with me I love him with all my heart and I wish I could tell him that but my father Hank Voight has this no in-house romance rule and I did not what to get jay transferred and hank has done so much for me not to mention he adopted me when I was 14 and took me in so I try not to go be hind his back  I finally got out of bed and when to take a shower. It was about 7:45 when I got finished get ready and got a text from jay ask if I wanted a ride to work I said no and that I'll see home their because I did not what any one to suspect thing especially Adam he is always up in everyone's Business and could not keep a secret to save his life so I declined even through it killed me to because I wanted to spend every minute with him but couldn't.

I woke up at 5:00 and went on a run because I could not sleep so I went for a run I got back from my run and hey to go take a shower and get ready for the day  I got out fo the shower and it was around 7:30 when I finished get ready and took out my phone and text erin to see if she wanted a ride to work but she text back and said that she was good and that she would see me at work. I had a good feeling of why she said no and I did not what to push I was really hoping she said yes though because I am in love with her and what to be with her but I know that her father would not approve and I did not what him to transfer me out so we were just really good friends for know. I left my place  and head to work I walk up stairs to the bullpen and say Antonio and Al I ask the both where everyone else was and they said that Kim ,Voight , Adam when tracking down a lead that could lead to a case for know we a just chill in less you have paper work to go. Ok where is erin? In not sure we have to seen or heard form her at all this morning. He said ok and went into the locker room to call her but she did not pick up he started to get worried and when to go check on her so he went back into the bullpen and told Antonio and all that he would be back and he wanted to go check on erin they both said ok and I got in my car and when to her place.

I was on my what out the boor I need to be at work by 8:00 but I was running a little late so I walked out the boor and was knocked ok the head with something and a second latter I was out cold in the Floor. When I woke up I was in a dark room and it was cold to the only light that was their was the little window that was their bit it had bar all over to I know that I had to be in a house or in a warhorse. All I wanted was jay to come save me and be her with me but I was all alone then I heard some one walk towards the door and open it. He said to me hi sweetie nice to see you awake and the minute I heard his voice I know how it was.

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