Stetting a date

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JAY: Erin is now 4/1 months pregnant and she been a real trooper when it comes to working and having to be on best dude even though she tries to go out with us and we all have to turn around and make sure she still sitting at her desk before we leave. Ben is learning to say a lot and learning to walk as well he been doing really well with it actually I got in the walk a little yesterday at the park instead of carrying him over the three ng he wanted to play with like the slide of the sandbox. I and Erin had to pick an o
wedding date. That would work for every on.

ERIN: I was text Kim while Jay was at work at Ben was taking a nap I planed ongoing to go get my dress today I and Jay had a date in mind and just need to finish up a few things be for the wedding. I got up and when to go check on Ben how was still sleeping and then when to go get ready for me and Kim and Platt could go dress shopping.


K: you ready Mrs. Halstead.
E: ya I can't wait for
p: you will be fine
E: I know it hank and Justin I'm worried about the both be at the wedding and you know how overprotective they will get. Do you bro what Hank used to do when he finds me another guy making out on the porch or in his house.
P: ya he would come into work so pissed and so with you we could hear the both of you finding half of the day he gets so mad especially when he finds you guys in your bedroom after he specifically said Miss Erin Lindsay no boys.
E: heyyy it Halstead now and it not like we were having sex we just were making out which he thought would lead to sex.him and just it would give me a literal two-hour lecture even though for that matter me and Justin will get in trouble all the time.
P: I'm glad you're admitting how terrible you and Justin were when you were kids.
K: omg Erin how come I was never filled in on any of these stories.
E: because I would have to be drunk and we all know how the true out but you get to hear them now so let go get my and celebrate.

AD= Adam KA= Kevin Atwater A= Antonio

AD: so how you fell husband to be
J: I fell great I can't wait to marry erin.
KA: got any stories to tell us from when you head that you guys were dating for about two months before Hank knew and made you guys break it off.
J: nope none that would get me killed by erin or thank for that matter.
A: you better make that kiss a the end a short one if you just to live.
AK: Why do you say that?
A: be thank and erin little Brother Justin will be there and they are both extremely overprotective of Aaron especially Justin so a piece of advice Jay if you want to stay alive you better make that kiss a short one.
J: ya ya ya I got this

Hey thanks Kim platt forb coming dress shopping with me I can't wait until her big day. Ya no problem erin will see you tomorrow see you tomorrow. See you jay and can't wait to the big day man what the date it is March 13th ok can't wait.

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