I was a fool to trust him

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I walked into a local London coffee shop. I placed my ordrer " one cappuccino please" the coffee shop was neither too big nor too small. It was simple yet comfortable there were a few muggles sittig in here . a man was on his... what is it called? A wired device on which he is typing furiously? A laptop yes. A girl with long black hair was reading a really fat book. There werr two people behind me. In the far corner of the shop a couple was sting. The girl had waist length bright red hair . She looked a bit familiar; maybe I've seen her in passing somewhere else. The boy in front of her had messed up hair which resembled o Harry's bird's nest. I couldn't see his face but I supposed the must be good looking because the girl was eyeing him with a most peculiar expression.

"Your cappuccino sir" said the waiter snapping me out of my daze.

"Oh, yes thanks"

I sat down, taking a sip of my coffee which seemed to warm me up but my mood did not allow me to enjoy this simple joy. I let out a heavy sigh, I missed him. Yes, I know that my boyfriend is harry bloody James potter so yeah; there is a genuine reason why he had to cancel our evening date. Blugh, who the fuck am I lying to? I can't lie to my dumb self, that idiot, savior of the god damn world, has to be a hero 24/7. Blimey can't even make time for me?

I took a sip, trying to distract my thoughts, only for it to burn my tongue because it was freaking hot. It was then that I heard a laugh, it sounded familiar. For no apparent reason I turned to look at that couple. Realization dropped on my head harder than a stone, it was his. That was harry sitting there and he was with a girl. So this is what busy means? Without hesitation I turned my chair in their direction. Who was that girl? Red hair, shabby clothes, without doubt that's a weasley. A ridiculous thought floated in my head insisting me to cast a disillusion charm and to go and check what nonsense they are doing. Turns out there was no need. They got up. Weasley was extremely close to harry, physically. Harry gabbed her shoulder, spinning her around and kissed her firmly ON THE MOUTH.

At this moment I felt my insides turning and twisting themselves whilst my blood boiled. There had to be a reasonable explanation for this right? Wrong

They pulled apart, harry grinned. His eyes swooped around, our eyes met and he froze. I raised my eyebrow, a look that plainly translated to what? His expressions flattered, frightened, unfortunately for him I didn't feel any guilt.

"Draco" he said as he approached cautiously.

"Some nerve you've got potter" I said taking another sip from the cup, placing one knee on another.


"Apology denied"

"Who is he darling?" asked the weaslette as she came towards us the light reflecting because of al lathe small mirrors on her dress.

"I- I can explain" said harry , his eyes darting between me and Weasley.

" cant wait to say what glorious words are about to utter from your mouth" I said feeling as if everyone paused to look at us.

"it was an accident"

" of course it was"

"dray" he begged, voice straining.

" don't dray me" I spat.


"we're finished potter" I said while I placed a muggle note on the wooden table, standing up.


Without further ado I walked out without a without a backwards glance, ignoring the screams of my heart. I walk out knowing every step without harry is darkness, accompined with pain and agony. I know that I'll probably have a scarred heart for life. Nevertheless I ignore every thought because going back will only mean destruction. I'll manage alone, I will somehow. I know I can face the darkness just like I have always had besides now I know I was a fool to turst him.

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