Could It be Fate?

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Note: - Harry, Ron and Draco study divination and they are all friends

Ron, Harry, and Draco sat at a round table in Professor Trawleny's classroom situated on the northern tower. They were supposed to be practicing the ability to read tea leaves for their end of the year exams.

"Bullshit" huffed Draco examining Harry's teacup.

"Don't even know why we're supposed to bother with this rubbish" mumbled Ron turning around Draco's teacup trying to find out the sense of the black blob in there. Harry hadn't even looked at Ron's cup, he knew that the entire thing was just some poorly created drama, it was all so stupid, such a waste of time.

" I wish we'd given it up like Hermione" groaned Ron putting down the cup he was holding, he had also given up " you better give up too Draco, I don't reckon its worth wising your time, you'll just get yourself a headache"

"Yeah, stop checking my cup I'm pretty sure you'll find nothing in there other than-"Harry paused here for a dramatic effect "THE GRIM"

" Boo ho hoo" replied Draco bored.

"Are you boys done there in the back? " asked professor Trawleny in her usual mystified voice. She walked towards them,

"now, all three of you close your eyes and let the inner eye roam free, don't conceal it let it run free, gaze into the future, allow your mind to be filled with the secrets of the ever-growing universe and open your heart to all the unlimited possibilities"

" can't see a thing" muttered Draco, professor Trawleny heard him," it isn't that hard," she said briskly abandoning her usual, so-called "mystified" voice behind. She picked up Harry's cup, Harry mentally prepared himself for one of the worst news possible.

"Hmm, I see... something blond, glistening..... Glistening blond hair once gelled back...intertwined with- intertwined with something black, messed up black hair"

"Yayyyyy!" cheered Ron " Draco's in your cup Harry"

"Should I finish?" snapped professor Trawleny's.

"no offense professor but I don't think that there's much need," said Ron" it probably means something like Harry and Draco will end up getting married... maybe have four kids or something, hey Harry can you name one after me?"

Harry and Draco laughed, along with a few other students

"Sure Ron" replied Draco

Trawleny wasn't pleased with this lot. She took 5 points from Slytherin, 10 from Gryffindor each for Ron and Harry, and gave Ron detention.

The bell rang and all the students left the classroom

"Glad that shit is over," Harry told Draco and Ron stretching his hands.

"At least the grim wasn't in your cup this time" grinned Draco.

"Yeah you were there instead" Ron replied chuckling.

Draco rolled his eyes, " please, she didn't even say it was me" he protested.

"Glistening blond hair once gelled? That basically you, it's a good thing though that you don't gel it anymore" said Ron ruffling Draco's hair.

"Of course that's me" replied Draco sarcastically, flattening his hair which Ron had ruined.

"Aah!" came a scream. Draco turned around, Harry slipped on a banana peel and he came crashing into Draco. Draco fell on his butt, Harry was over him. Draco's legs were around Harry's whereas Harry's hands were on Draco's either side. Their lips touched, for a moment nobody moved.

Ron was clutching his sides chuckling. Harry pulled himself up, he was pink in the face. He extended his hand to Draco so accepted it and pulled him up. " Don't sound like a dying chicken Ron" Harry suggested.

"Not fate eh?" he asked them.

"No" replied Draco brushing dust off his clothes.

"Then why didn't you pulled away from the kiss", there was silence and both boys turned red.

"Oh! It is fate"

Word Count:- 673

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