How It Should've Gone Down

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this is an au of my other book's CRUSHING ON EACH OTHER'S latest chapter.

I suppose you might get whats going on here or maybe you won't

i can't exactly tell if you can't understand it because i have literally memorized it cuz of how many times I've rewritten it

if want to completely understand it then I suppose you better read my book first






"Done," said harry rubbing his eyes, they'd been studying continuously for the past 5 – 6 hours but it was worth it, Harry's essay was longer than Hermione's, she's going to turn green with envy.

"I never thought this might end, "said Draco standing up" its 11 and I have to go because unlike some people my common room isn't on the other side of this floor".

Instantaneously a thought popped inside Harry's brain "I'll take you, we'll both go under my invisibility cloak otherwise I can assure you Draco you'll be caught "he said pulling out his invisibility cloak in a fraction of a second.

"I thought you were too worn out to study," said Draco smiling

"Don't worry" said harry stuffing all of his books in his bags and throwing it over his and Draco's head.

"Harry, honestly go to sleep" Draco objected.

Harry intertwined his and Draco's arms and pulled him along.

Harry's P.O.V

Together we walked downstairs all the stairs on the way towards the direction of the Slytherin common room. I'd forgotten the marauder's map inside my trunk but it doesn't matter, I've roamed these corridors for the past 7 years, considering the fact that I did this even when there were murderers in charge of this castle.

We were in the entrance hall when it happened. Snape and flitch were having an argument near the door that led down to the Slytherin common room. Mrs. Norris was around flitch's legs, hissing at Snape with anger. It was quite a fierce argument with shouts echoing the room; none of them looked in the mood to be tested for more anger.

Me and Draco glanced at each other; wordlessly he pulled me inside a broom closet. I swear I say a streak of red across the room but I had no idea what that was. The broom closet was miniaturized with superabundant amounts of junks on it's all four sides. The space in the middle was only capable of one person; turns out there were two of us. I had purposely held my head opposite Draco's so that our lips won't meet whereas my heart was yelling at me to smash my lips on his.

I was conscious of a knife-edged whatchamacallit can't remember the name poking the back of my head. Out of the blue, I acknowledged Draco's hand slither along my back until it reached behind my messed up hair.

"You know you could get hurt," he said flashing me a genuine smile, I felt my heart warm up in such a procedure that the sun couldn't even achieve in its dream, "come here".

He pulled me closer to himself, I gazed intently into his eyes, feeling myself loosing in them just like being drowned in a sea storm. One of his hands was on my waist one like I mentioned earlier tangled in my clustered raven-colored hairs. Without an explanation, I became aware that my hands were on either side of his neck. It was barely more than a few centimeters before our lips would meet. A minty smell roamed around me, why must he smell so good?

Footsteps approached along with shouting a short distance away. Unfortunately, the universe hates me that's why instead of stopping another hallway down both filtch and Snape stopped walking in front of the door we were hiding in.

A few minutes passed and the argument became louder and louder. There was no sign of them stopping this ridiculous fight coming anytime soon. Were they going to fight the entire night? When will they leave? Please Merlin please make them walk ahead. Please let us escape. I cannot resist Draco. It's just a few seconds before I do something stupid, something I'll end up regretting for the rest of my life. Save me weird old dead Merlin dude, please.

My face was turned in the direction of the door while Draco was on the other side. I got a glimpse of his expression and it looked just like that one which Hermione has when she has a horrible period cramp. I wonder how long I can resist before smashing my lips on his?

Draco's P.O.V

I wonder how long I can resist before smashing my lips on his? I want him so desperately. The feeling of him in my arms, even his body fits right into my arms.

Ahhh! I nearly screamed as the door automatically opened. Thank Merlin we're invisible I prayed as flitch tossed some moldy old brooms inside. Avoiding them harry comes even closer, accidentally turning his head towards mine. Fortunately, at the same time, my head moved in the same direction. making our lips meet.

Sweetness and the taste of treacle tart overcame on me as every other sense vanished on the spot. All I could feel was the soft sensation of Harry's lips on mine, moving in perfect sync. I felt as my every dream came true as if the universe finally decided to turn my dreams into a reality. Every moment felt worthless until now? Thank you flitch. Thank you stinky broom closet. Thank you grossed out brooms, THANK YOU.

Before I knew it harry pulled away, face more scarlet than the color of a setting sun filled with embarrassment,


Without thinking I pressed my lips onto his once again. He froze, as no response came. Suddenly my brain whizzed into action again bringing with it the feeling of shame as I just registered what I did.

" harry I-I'm sorry," I said pulling away instantly regretting my actions as all the reasons why I hesitated popped inside m head, ", I am such an idiot I should've though but that's the problem I wasn't thinking"


"I like you but I know you don't like me"


"I just wanted to and I just did and I wasn't thinking if you were uncomfortable and I am such an idiot-"

"DRACO" harry practically yelled.

"WHATTT?!" this time I yelled

"I love you too"


Harry laughed "I said I love you"

"You do?" I asked him uncertainly

"Yes I do"


"Yes and I am going to punch you if you won't stop asking"

I looked at him as a smile formed in between both of my ears

"HEY!" shrieked harry as I lightly lifted him in my arms, enveloping him in a gigantic hug.

Before I knew we were snogging once more, this time with more intensity than before. He pushed me against a wall while he bit my bottom lip. The second my mouth opened his tongue slipped inside it. Both our tongues engaged in an intoxicating dance, that only we seemed to know the steps of.

"I say we get the hell out of here," said Harry as our lips parted for breath.

"It seems that for once you are saying something that's actually good"

Sending me a glare harry opened the door "C'mon"

"So what do you think of a midnight stroll?"I asked as I felt my hand tug towards him.

"I'd love too"

Word Count:- 1179 

Side note,

look how big this chapter is :)

(just ignore the fact that these were two different chapters )

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