Panic attack

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~~At the canteen~~

As we entered the room my eyes fell on them. Both of then were chatting inaudibly. Derek looked bored, he's face exhausted. He must've sensed our presence because his head lifted up from looking down at the table. I flashed a light smile before walking towards them. Feeling quite nervous, I chose to take a sit next to Scott but my dad being my dad had to ruin it for me as he rushed to sit next to him. Leaving me sitting next to Derek.

C'mon Stiles get your tail out of your ass

I told myself trying to adjust my anxiety. I was confused. I didn't know how to behave. Do I act like I used to be? The annoying friend that he hated or do I act different?

No matter what always be yourself honey

My mom's words appeared in my head. Just be yourself Stiles. You got this

"Hey sourwolf" I greeted him with a smile.

"Hey Sti" Derek replied simply, his voice sending tingles down my spine. My nervousness was long gone once those words flew out of his mouth.

'Sti' the nickname repeated in my head. It made my stomach dance. I felt happy, comfortable and all sort of positive emotions.

"Hey kids I'm hungry as hell. Imma head to the canteen. Anyone want anything?" My dad spoke after a moment, pushing his chair backwards.

"Do they have curly fries?" I asked hoping for a yes as an answer.

"No Stiles, this is the hospital, maybe something like rice or soup?" I grumbled at my dad's answer.

"B-but I want curly fries" I begged with pleading eyes. He let out a sigh and stood up.

"Scott wanna come help me with his fries?"My face instantly lightened up.


"Well you got what you wanted again" Derek smirked.

"Oh shut up sourwolf" I chuckled hitting him playfully on the shoulder.

"Hey umm, Derek...?"  


"Can we talk..but like... in private?." I said fidgeting my hands.

"Yeah uh sure wanna go up to your room?" He suggested and I only nodded. I was ready to finally clear things out.

He helped me get up and we made our way to my room. Once we got in I sat on the bed and he followed on the chair right next to me.

  No one spoke for a short while. We both stayed silenced which was oddly soothing.

"Look Stiles I know-.." He was the one to break first but I interrupted him

"Since how long have you known?" He looked at me, knitting his eyebrows in confusion.

"I -me-an, when did you, find out that I am your mate?" I added being more specific. He exhaled before looking away.

"Remember the day when we were at the pool...and Jackson tried to kill us," Since then everything that I feel about you has changed."

"B-but y-you don't hate me?" I said looking down. He lifted my chin, looking me straight in the eyes.

"Of course I don't hate you, idiot, I couldn't do that my wolf would kill me." My face brightened and my cheeks felt warm, causing the corner of his lips to turn upwards. almost like he was trying not to smile

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