J laughed at these whispers until she heard the last one.

"Did you see the tramp that was sitting with them yesterday and then left?"
"She was kind of pretty but I hated seeing her sit there instead of me."

J put her head down on the table and didn't see jun coming her way. Everyone stared at him and cleared a way to where he was walking. He stood in front of J and reached for her hand startling her. She put her head up and jun laughed.

"What?" J asked a little cold. She hated that people were talking about her like that. They didn't even know her.

"Come sit with me. Nabz is annoying me so I need you." Jun pouted.

J laughed and decided to go with him, shs didn't notice that people were staring and making faces at her. she just sat down in the middle of jun and minghao but she noticed too late that wonwoo was sitting across from her and he was already staring at her. As soon as she sat down her attention was averted from wonwoo to nabz who was laughing at something minghao was saying.

"She's already annoying me too." J spoke to jun who nodded and rolled his eyes.

"Why do they always have to be talking?" Jun shook his head.

"Should we just leave her here?" J looked at jun who was already laughing as hard as he could making the whole table look at him.

Minghao raised his eyebrow as J hit jun on the arm trying to get him to be quite. She had completely forgotten about the group of people staring at their table. As she turned her attention away from Jun she heard the whispers again.

"Is he laughing at something that bitch said?"
"I just wanna punch her in the face."
"I take back what I said earlier, she's really ugly."

J shifted a little in her seat just as wonwoo got up and yelled. "Can you assholes stop staring at us for one damn second." They were all a little startled and started to find seats. He sat back down and looked at J who was looking away.

Not too long after, their coaches came in and started explaining what they were going to be doing for the day after they ate breakfast. J didn't eat breakfast so she just sat on her phone.

"Alright guys, today is a very exciting day, we're going to be doing a scavenger hunt!" The coach from felix's school explained. "We have hidden things around the camp. By the lake and the playground. First group to find everything will win a prize. You're going to have different groups from yesterday so you can get to know more people." The coach finished off and they finally got to partners.

"Myunji and eunbyul." Felix's coach called out.

"J and wonwoo." Their coach called out. Wonwoo smiled a little, he felt relived for some reason but not J. As soon as she heard their name in the sentence she abruptly got up and panicked. "We were partners yesterday coach." She sort of yelled making wonwoo look up her with a raised eyebrow.

"Uh well alright then, you can just be with-" she looked around at their table. "Jun." she finished off her sentence.

Jun and J both smiled at each other and dapped one another up making the other gang members look at them with confused faces. Wonwoo was pissed, and he couldn't figure out why. He ended up being paired up with another boy from their class and two girls from the other school, it didn't matter. He wasn't going to participate anyway. The coaches handed out pieces of papers after they had met up with their other two partners. It was the list of things they needed to find. J really wanted to win so she told her group they should split up and look for the things individually but the two girls from the other school shook their heads and stared at jun who had his arms crossed and didn't bother looking back at them.

As soon as the coaches blew the whistle J ran for the door with jun right behind her. "I REALLY WANT TO WIN." J managed to get out while still running. "THEN WE WILL." jun smirked.

The first thing on the list was a polka dot sock by the lake. J's group was the first one there and found it in no time. J and jun barely took a breath when running and the two girls just trailed by behind them taking pictures of jun. they had gotten almost all of the stuff. A sock, an inflatable tube they had to blow up, a pair of sunglasses, a spinning hat and the last object being a slingshot which was supposed to be in the diner. J and jun ran into the diner only to find the rest of the gang members sitting at their table as if they never moved along with their partners who were staring at them from afar or taking videos. Everyone turned to look at J and burst out laughing. She forgot what she looked like in that moment.

She had one sock on her hand, a tube around her waist with ugly white sunglasses and a spinning hat on. She didn't care that they were laughing, she just wanted to find the slingshot. The members were still laughing, Jeonghan and Dino had fallen to the floor and dk was taking a picture of J to laugh at later. She heard all of them laughing but she heard a laugh she'd never heard before, she looked around and realized it was wonwoo's. He had never laughed in front of J before. His laugh was nice. Deep and kind of-. J stopped thinking about it and started looking around for the slingshot.

"You guys aren't playing anyway, help me and jun find a slingshot it's the last-." Before J could finish her sentence wonwoo held up the slingshot in his hand.

"You mean this?" He looked at J who was walking towards him.

"Yes yes that!" She exclaimed reaching for it but wonwoo held it away from her.

"I'm not giving it to you." He said with a straight face.

"You're not even playing. Give it so at least me and jun can win." She tried reaching for the slingshot but wonwoo got up and started walking away.

"HEY. Give me that slingshot." She was now getting frustrated and darted towards wonwoo. She tackled him to the ground which took everyone in the diner by surprise. Especially wonwoo. She had fallen right on top on him and managed to get the slingshot away from wonwoo without a fight. They remained on the ground without J realizing and wonwoo just stared at her in disbelief until finally he pushed her off. Jun helped her up and they both laughed with happiness. She stuck her tongue out at wonwoo making him smile without realizing, at how childish she was.

Finally their coach came in and asked if anyone had collected all the the items to which J raised her hand. The coaches applauded and gave her and her group big baskets of different kinds of chocolate. J loved it. As the coaches continued to talk J opened her prize and grabbed a choco bar. She held it to wonwoo as a thank you for finding the slingshot. Sort of. He didn't take it so she just put it down in front of him. She saved the biggest piece for Chan who was still sitting with Felix and passed the basket around the table to the members who took a piece of candy, until it came to minghao and nabz. Minghao who looked at J with admiration and smiled. J didn't notice but nabz did. It made her so angry she 'accidentally' dropped J's basket on the ground and all the chocolate went everywhere.

"Oops." Was all nabz said.

Everyone could see it was an act and jun quickly got up to help J pick everything up, which they did. They sat down and jun looked at J.

"You can have mine." He pointed to his basket of sweets.

"No, it's okay hui." She smiled at him. "Thank you for helping me win though."

"You didn't even need my help. You're quite fast for a fatty." He giggled.

"I'm taking that thank you back." J giggled and put her hand up to his face. She was happy in that moment. Not because she had won the prize, well maybe because of that but also because she started to feel like she was finally starting to be real friends with the gang. Kinda.

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