"He Can Actually Talk!!!"

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No one has read the first chapter yet, but I guess I'll go on with the second chapter :( 

Jade crouched in stupefied silence. 

So that's why the mother told me that he would tell me what to do. 

"What's your name, baby?"


And sassy too!

"Now, don't think I'm sassy," the baby continued, which terrified Jade even more.

"So, not only can you talk, you can read minds too?"

Soft laughter bubbled from the babies mouth, "No, I can't, but I have a pretty good imagination if I do say so myself, and I do. Anyways, you can call me Eli. I think I have forgotten the rest of my name, but I'm pretty sure it has an Eli in it somewhere. Your name is Jade, right? That's what Mom told me." He waited expectantly.

Jade nodded dumbly. 

"Good, I think we will get along quite nicely, you and I, Jade."

Jade laughed as her wits suddenly came back to her, "But of course, little Eli!"

"I have a request...?" Eli asked questioningly. 

"Sure Eli, what is it?"

"I need your help on a matter of great importance. You think you can help me?"

"Of course, I am your babysitter after all."

"No, no, no, no.  I don't want you to think that you have to do this, ok? This is if  you are willing. And once you agree, you can't back out."

"Well, sure. I mean, it can't be that bad, can it? Of course I'll help!"

Eli raised a little eyebrow daintily. He liked this babysitter, but little did she know what she was getting into. 

That's it for today. Like, vote, comment, everything! Love you all? I can't see u yet though...

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