• dursleys •

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November 3rd 1987

"Mummy no I don't wanna!" Harry said pulling against his mother as she carried him toward her sisters little house

"Harry honey you have to there's no one else who can watch you..."

"But mummy take me with you then!" Harry exclaimed desperately

"Baby you can't your dad me and your uncles and more people are all going on an adult trip for the week...you'll be fine though kiddo..."

Even as Lily said it she still felt slightly fearful for her son, it was a week but it might as well have been a year

Harry whined as the door opened, "oh...he's here"

Lily let out a sigh and placed Harry on the ground but Harry clutched onto her leg tightly

"No mummy no!"

"Harry sweetheart can you be brave for mummy please? Just for a week..."

Harry hesitated and then nodded his head, "fine..."

"Good now be good for them please...listen and do not argue understand?"

Harry reluctantly nodded, Lily had found that as of late Harry had taken on a sort of defiance and stubbornness that suggested he really was growing up

It hurt Lily's heart to see him growing up so much, it seemed like just yesterday he was a little bundle in her arms

"I love you mummy" Harry said as he jumped into her arms hugging her tightly

"I love you too angel, now be good for mummy please"

Harry nodded and hesitantly entered into his aunts house looking around very frightened, he'd never been to their house before

Dudley walked up to him and sneered, "you have to sleep in the cupboard under the stairs!" He said laughing and pointing to the very small cupboard

Harry gulped and walked forward looking inside and seeing that it was filled with cobwebs and a very tiny little bed

Harry wanted to say no, wanted to argue but he promised his mummy that he wouldn't

He let out a sad sigh and placed his belongings into the little cupboard

Trying to remain strong for his mother

"Petunia where is the boy?"

"He's right here Vernon" petunia said as she grabbed Harry by his shirt and pulled him into the family room where Harry's very large uncle was sat in the couch

"Ah...there's the freak"

Harry frowned, he hated being called a freak and his anger was already a little unstable, "don't call me a freak!"

"I'll call you whatever I wanna call you, hear me boy?"

Harry frowned but refused to give his uncle the satisfaction of his obedience

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