• birthday boy •

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July 31st 1981

The moment Harry woke up on his first birthday he was in a fowl mood, surprisingly even grumpy to Lily whom he usually never was anything but sweet to

James found it amusing, finally time that Lily had to deal with Harry's unangelic side

"Harry stop!" Lily said firmly as Harry pulled at the clothes Lily had fought and struggled to get him into

She had dressed him into some fancy muggle clothes that she thought would make him look simply adorable for the party, but Harry was having none of it beginning to tantrum due to his pent up frustration

"No!" Harry screamed punching weakly at Lily's chest

James simply leaned against the wall and watched, Lily always prided herself in being able to handle situations properly and James was anxious to see how she'd get out of this

Though before he could the sound of the doorbell rang, James let out a snarl knowing who awaited on the other side

"James stop that, that's my sister, now take Harry please" she practically shoved their little cranky pants into his arms and stormed to go open the door

Harry began kicking and flailing worse than before, James mentally cursed himself for accepting Harry from her ... it was her who was supposed to handle the cranky baby for once

James gently bounced Harry, "shhh Harry shhh"

Harry though didn't listen, whining and trying to push away from James

James grumbled, he wish he had something for Harry to be distracted by ...

He slipped his hands into his pocket and felt his wand getting a sudden idea

He pulled it out and muttered quietly, "Accio snitch"

The tiny golden ball whizzed quickly into James' hand, "Harry Harry baby watch this it's a snitch! You love snitches"

James quickly let go of the small ball letting it zoom freely in front of Harry

Harry instantly halted his tantrum and locked his eyes on the ball amazed

"That's it baby...now try and catch it" James egged on, part of him desperate to see if his son would be a natural seeker such as himself

Harry didn't disappoint at all as he grabbed ahold of the golden ball with surprising speed

James smiled, "yeah kiddo that's it!" He placed a gentle kiss on Harry's head and allowed his eyes to fall to the door where that horse faced sister of his wife awaited with her ugly son

He knew if Lily ever caught him saying such things aloud he'd be in the dog house for weeks

He returned his attention to Harry who was now biting and sucking on the snitch

James let out a small laugh, amused at Harry

"No uh no more of that" James pulled the ball out of Harry's reach which resulted in Harry pouting and crossing his arms

• Growing up Harry •Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon