• tantrum •

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August 1st 1985

James and Lily sat quietly in their lawn chairs, both enjoying the heat of the summer combined with Harry's happy giggles as he ran through the sprinkler

James gently took ahold of Lily's hand, smiling at her lovingly, "Do you think he'll be tired tonight love?"

Lily smiled, "let's hope so..."

As of late Harry had been horribly stubborn about bedtimes, each night he would have a massive fit and eventually have to be dragged off to bed by one of his parents ... luckily he was still small and light and it was easy to carry him up to bed. They could only hope that if he was tired from the sun and sprinkler, he'd go to bed with relative ease

Harry let out a loud giggle as the sprinkler hit him, covering him in water

"Those are some nice trunks he's wearing eh?" James asked cockily, knowing full well he'd chosen the little blue swim trunks which were covered in pink flamingos

"James I don't even want to know where or why you got him those"

"They're cute! Look at the flamingos...and it's funny to hear Harry try and say flamingo" James tittered at the thought of his son attempting the word

"Shoot...that reminds me" Lily said as she quickly sat up, "Harry needs to start his writing"

"Writing? Honey he isn't even...well he just turned five he doesn't need to do that already does he?"

"Yes James he does, I want him to at least have a basic understanding of things when we put him into school"

"Are you really going to put him into muggle school?" James asked surprised, not really keen on the idea

"No honey we've gone over this remember? Remus is going to be teaching a few children Harry's age. I think it might just be Neville Ron and Harry"

"Ron? Who's Ron"

"That's the Weasley's youngest son, he hasn't met Harry yet but I'm sure they'll get on fine, Harry and Neville are already good friends"

"You really think Moony can handle three five year olds?" James asked amused, knowing full well one five year old was enough for his whole lifetime

Harry seemed to have endless energy that always amazed James, the kid seriously never got tired it was amazing

"It'll be fine honey, Remus is great with kids and Neville is an angel...Harry will be alright too  and from what I hear Ron isn't too bad" Lily tried

James snorted, "well see, we'll see"

Harry jumped through the sprinkler and trotted over to his parents

"Mummy Mummy did you see dat did you see dat? I jumpeded froo da water!" Harry exclaimed with a wide smile

"Yes honey I did see that, it was very cool" Lily said softly

Harry grinned wider and reached for his towel, though before he could get his little hands on it James scooped Harry into his lap and wrapped the bright blue towel around his son, hugging him tightly

• Growing up Harry •Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora