• owie •

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January 5th 1983

James finished another beer and burped quietly as he laid back on the couch, he was watching a strange television program that featured a bunch of puppets, one of which was red and had the most annoying voice James had ever heard

Across from him sat the whale of a man that was married to his sister in law. James didn't like him one bit and the feelings of dislike were mutual between the two of them

On the floor sat Harry and Dudley, both near their fathers' legs

Harry let out a whine as he tried to crawl toward his cousin but James kept him trapped in his legs. It was for his son's own good

That Dudley was really something ... somehow whenever he was with Harry, Harry always ended up injured, and still his son loved his cousin always wanting to play and interact with him

Vernon glared at James and James, the proud man he was, returned the glare trying to assert the dominance he knew he had in his own home

Dudley suddenly struggled to his feet walking over to Harry's toys and picking up the Hippogriff that Harry loved more than anything and which still was bigger than him

"Daddy stop!" Harry whined struggling against James' legs, Harry reached out desperately and began to whine miserably upon being trapped

"What's all this?" Lily asked softly entering the room and glancing between the four boys

Vernon upturned his nose and quickly took the toy from Dudley, muttering something about 'freaks' and 'dangers'

Lily put her hands on her hip and looked at James expectantly

"What?" He asked, trying to hide the various empty bear bottle he'd consumed

"Can you let your son play with his cousin...that's all he wants to do"

James sighed and reluctantly allowed Harry to escape, where he instantly ran over to his cousin

It was always amusing to see Harry run, his little legs swinging wildly and looking about a gust of wind away from falling over

"James no more darling okay?" Lily took the bottles and kissed her husband's head, gently brushing a strand of hair out of his face

Lily returned to the kitchen where her and Petunia were having a very in depth conversation about their son's, slight competition from both parties as they spoke of their offspring

James watched slightly annoyed as his son played with Dudley, looking far too happy to be playing with a bully

Harry handed Dudley one of his toys and they both sat, playing quietly and surprisingly peacefully for a change

He had to admit that seeing his son playing so thoughtfully put a grin on his face, Harry was so engaged. He always gave each of his little toys different voices and made dramatic sound effects which never failed to amuse James

Vernon snorted, watching with a disgusted look on his purpled face

Harry suddenly struggled to his feet and walked over to his uncle, "hewo" he said with a wide smile, his tiny voice so cute James felt his heart clench

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