• doctors •

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February 9th 1985

Harry whimpered and pulled against Lily's grip as she tried to drag him into the doctors office

"Mummy I don wanna!" Harry whined miserably

"Harry you have, please do it for Mummy" Lily tried, getting agitated with her son as he fought against her

"N-no mummy no!" Harry said stomping his feet and beginning to tantrum

Lily cursed under her breath, "Harry James Potter this is not okay behaviour young man...remember what daddy said if you were bad...spankings"

Harry scowled staring down at his slowly shuffling feet

"Come on sweetheart it'll be over quickly I promise and then maybe we can get ice cream..."

Harry's face lit up immediately, "ice cweam?"

"Yes sweetheart but only if you're a good boy, alright?"

Harry nodded eagerly and walked much more agreeably the remainder of the way. Though once they reached the entrance to the hospital Harry stopped walking again and whimpered

"Mummy I'm scawed"

Lily crouched down to Harry's height and gently held his tiny hands "Oh sweetheart don't be scared it'll be fine I  promise"

"Can you cawy me?" Harry asked adorably, raising his arms above his head

"Honey...you have to start walking more remember?"

Harry pouted and folded his arms across his chest

Lily sighed realizing there was no way to cheer up her grumpy son, "come on sweetheart let's get this over with"

Harry reluctantly began walking, entering into the doctor's office and looking around fearfully. He was about to grab onto his mummy's leg but before he could he suddenly tripped over a large toy in the waiting area

He fell to the ground and began to cry loudly

Lily picked him up, "oh sweetheart shush mummy's got you...shush..."

She gently bounced him and rubbed his back, hoping he'd calm down before it was time for his checkup. As she held her son, she briefly wondered how he hadn't seen the toy, it was awfully large and right in front of his face ...

She had been noticing lately he'd been walking into walls and stumbling over his own toys fairly often, though she and James hadn't paid it much of any mind

"Mummy" Harry whimpered, burying his face into Lily's neck as his son's slowly subsided

"Oh Harry...this is why I told you to have a nap today..."

"I don" Harry sniffled "I don need naps no mowe" Harry mewled rubbing his eyes and hiccuping a few sobs

"Baby you still need your naps, you're still growing and you need sleep to help you grow"

Harry let out a sad sound and hugged onto his mother tighter

Lily sighed as she held her tiny son ... Harry was still so small, he'd barely grown in the last year and she feared what the doctor would say almost as much as her son

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