• magic •

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December 28, 1986

"Harry Potter get over here this instant!" James said angrily

When Harry didn't reveal himself James cursed, "Harry I'm not going to ask you again now come out"

Harry hesitantly came out from behind the couch looking guilty but trying to remain as innocent as possible

"What did you do?"

"Nothing" Harry said shrugging his shoulders though his lie was clear to James

"Harry don't you dare lie to me you'll only make it worse for yourself"

"I didn't do anything!" Harry said angrily, crossing his arms over his chest and glaring at James

"Don't talk to me like that young man"

"T-then dont yew at me owd man!" Harry said angrily stomping his foot and glaring angrily at James

"You know what that's it" James scooped Harry up much to his son's dismay, Harry began to kick and scream and fight against James

"Harry knock it off you're only making things worse"

"You're making them worse! You make everything worse!" Harry screamed kicking against James angrily

James, losing his temper let out a loud groan, Harry had drawn all over the walls with permanent marker which wasn't that big of a deal but it was bad that he disobeyed one of the most strict rules of the house

Now he was acting snotty because he hadn't eaten anything all day and was in a cranky mood

"Harry why'd you draw on the walls?"

"I didnt!"

"Harry don't lie! I know you did"

Harry screamed and squirmed around, "i hate you i hate you!"

James found that to be the last straw to his already unstable anger, "that's it, you're getting spankings for this Harry"

Harry screamed and crossed his arms punching at his father's chest but not delivering any hurtful blows at all due to his small size

James walked to Harry's bedroom and set Harry over his lap, pulling down his son's pants and spanking his bottom five times

"That's very bad behaviour harry, lying to me drawing on the wall, talking back to me, and saying you hate me"

James spanked Harry five more times

Harry was letting out sad whimpers, tears falling down his cheeks as James pulled his pants up and turned him around to face him

Though Harry, as stubborn as ever, refused to meet James' eyes

His little lip quivering as tears fell from his face

James mentally cursed himself, he hated giving spankings to Harry but in a situation such as this he felt Harry deserved the punishment

"Harry you were very bad..."

"I know!" Harry snapped, sniffling and wiping his eyes on his shirt

"Harry I'm sorry I dont like doing that but when you're a bad boy you have to be punished—"

"I'm not a bad boy!" Harry snapped again glaring at James in such a startling way, he'd never seen Harry looking as angry as he looked now and found the sight somewhat intimidating

Suddenly James' lens in his glasses cracked from what appeared to be Harry's stare

James sat in shock for a while before he pulled off the glasses and smiled hugging his now very concerned looking son

"Oh my Harry you're magic!" Jams picked him up and spun him around

Lily and him had feared slightly that Harry wouldn't have powers, it was nice to see that their son would in fact be a wizard

"Daddy I-Im sowwy" harry said sadly, softly crying into his father's shoulder

"I -I dont hate you I -I wuv you Daddy" Harry said miserably softly sobbing

"Oh munchkin I know, it's okay I love you too as I'm sorry I had to do that to you....but baby you're going to be a wizard like mummy and daddy!"

Harry smiled a little, "i wiw get a wand then?"

"Yes baby and you'll get to go to Hogwarts and hopefully be in griffindor"

Harry smiled and wiped his eyes, "wiwy Daddy?"

"Yeah kiddo" James hugged Harry close thinking how excited he was to tell lily that Harry would be a wizard

He quickly repaired his glasses and smiled, "let's go tell your mummy"

Harry nodded with a small smile and hugged onto James tightly

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