• easy peasy •

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November 8th 1980

Lily easily scooped Harry out of his crib, he'd just taken his little afternoon nap and was ready to be fed, his loud wails were enough to tell Lily that he was very hungry

She checked his nappy and was surprised to find that it was still clean, she smiled and kissed her son's tiny nose before walking him out to the main room where James was sat on the floor, mumbling a series of profanities as he attempted to fix the TV

He must've cast about 60 different spells so far but the stubborn Muggle TV remained broken, stuck in a n infuriating static screen

"Fuck!" James finally said loudly, placing a firm kick to the TV which instantly led to him releasing a groan of pain

Lily giggled quietly, finding her husband's short temper (and struggles) to be highly amusing

"What's so funny??" James asked threateningly as he shot her an angry glance

"Oh nothing, just you honey" Lily walked by and stood on her tip toes to place a gentle kiss on his cheek

The angered frown remained on James' face, "how about you fix it then if you're so smart Evans"

"I totally would, but somebody's got to feed this little sweetheart" she gently kissed Harry's smooth forehead, smiling as she smelt the fresh scent of her baby

"I'll do it then, you can fix this stupid RV" James said quickly

"RV?" Lily giggled, "James it's called a TV"

He let out a long sigh clearly trying not to lose his shit on Lily, "whatever it's called you can fix it"

He held out his hands expectantly for his son, though Lily was reluctant to hand over Harry

"But James he doesn't like it when you feed him..."

James rolled his eyes, "I haven't even had the chance to feed him yet! And he's a baby...he'll eat anything...right?"

Lily giggled and smiled at her husband, loving how clueless he was about everything including the TV which she concluded would only be fixed if she worked on it. She knew deep down that this could be killing two birds with one stone: the TV would be fixed and Harry would possibly warm up more to his father

Her stubborn little angel seemed to have a fear of his father, always crying and squirming when alone with him. Lily suspected Harry was just a bit clingy with her, something she was fine with but knew her husband would feel jealous about

She carefully handed Harry over to his father, though the small baby began to stir and whine upon being extracted from his mother's arms

"Good luck with that" James said with a sly grin, one that Lily returned with her middle finger

James chuckled and rocked Harry gently, trying to soothe his little whimpers

Lily quickly ran upstairs to retrieve her wand, leaving her two boys alone

James walked carefully over to the kitchen with the slightest limp, still hurting from his display of anger when he'd kicked the TV

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