• year six •

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"Harry what are you talking about your grades are fine, being an auror is totally obtainable"

"I need better in potions..."

"Honey your OWLs were excellent! You got an O and all the rest Exceeds Expectations! The others where you didn't do as well...those don't even matter"

Harry sighed, "Mum..."

"Harry don't be so hard on yourself, your grades are fine now please just relax"

Harry grumbled but did as his mother said

"So honey have you asked Ginny out yet?"

"N-no..." Harry said looking highly uncomfortable

"Well maybe you can ask your dad for some advice sweetheart"

Harry rolled his eyes, "as if dad knows anything"

"Harry in case you forgot your dad managed to get me and look how happy we are"

Harry shrugged his shoulders earning a smack on his arm from his mother

He laughed softly, Lily smiled thinking how similar Harry looked to his father

She was glad that he had her eyes and a lack of height...she couldn't imagine telling them apart without those differences

James entered the room and slumped onto the couch next to Harry gently poking Harry's side

Harry squirmed, "Dad what the—"

"Have you eaten today Harry?"

Harry shrugged

"you know you gotta eat to grow and when you grow it'll be easier with Ginny"

Harry groaned, "wow thanks for the advice dad"

"I'm serious, no one likes a guy that's too skinny"

Harry rolled his eyes, "what about a guy that's too fat?"

James frowned, "I am not fat! Right Lils?"

Lily laughed, "no honey...but you have put on a few pounds over—"

"Okay okay that's enough"

Harry sniggered

"You shut up little shit, one day you're going to be in the same situation"

Harry shook his head, "no way"

Jams cursed, he didn't doubt it, Harry had always been pretty thin...always much thinner than James had been when he was his age

"So Harry...are you and Ginny—"

"No dad" Harry said frowning as he blushed

"Oh kiddo come on it's not that hard to ask her out...just do it tonight when the weasleys come over"

"What?! They're coming over?"

James nodded

Harry quickly got up, "I'm going to go shower"

James laughed

Harry came down and gasped seeing the entire Wesley's in his house

The night ensued and Harry found himself alone on the couch with Ginny

"G-Ginny...I was just wondering if you er...Ifyoudateme?"

Ginny cocked her head to the side, "what?"

Harry cursed, "I was wondering if you would maybe date me?"

Ginny smiled and nodded, "I've been waiting for you to ask"

She pulled him into a kiss catching him completely off guard

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