Chapter 2: Inkopolis

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Kirby decided to look at his surroundings. Instead of a peaceful grassland, he saw a ginormous bustling city all around him. Strangely, though he believed that he'd never been here before, Kirby felt that this city was somehow familiar to him.

Kirby: Well, this is certainly a change of scenery. I don't know what it is, but something about this city feels strangely familiar. I guess I should just head back through that weird pipe.

Kirby was about to turn around and enter the pipe to go back home, but to his surprise, the pipe had strangely disappeared.

Kirby: What the? Where'd the pipe go?! Great, now I need to find another way home.

Kirby was about to begin walking until he realized many people walking around the city. But they didn't look like normal people. They had black rings around their eyes, and hair that seemed to resemble squid tentacles. This immediately caused Kirby to worry, as he was unsure of whether or not he should try speaking to them.

Kirby: So many people. How would I be certain they'd even understand me? I can't do this.

Out of fear, Kirby decided to enter his stone form in order to blend in with some nearby pebbles.

Kirby: If I look like a pebble, they'll think I am a pebble. This way, no one will suspect me.

Kirby was determined to keep himself hidden, that is of course, until he got hungry. He remembered that he hadn't eaten anything ever since before his nap, so he was starving.

Kirby: Urgh, so hungry. Why didn't I eat anything after I woke up?

Just then, Kirby managed to catch a whiff of something, and something tasty at that. He decided to let the delicious scent lead him to wherever it was taking him.

Kirby: What that's yummy smell? It smells like... food! I need to know more.

As Kirby followed the scent, he read up on the city he found himself in.

Kirby: Huh, so this place is called Inkopolis, and those people are known as Inklings.

Eventually, Kirby found himself in a small park and detected the pinpoint source of the scent.

Kirby: SANDWICHES! My prayers have been answered.

But before Kirby could start chowing down on sandwiches, he noticed two Inklings with paintball guns, taking aim at him.

Inkling Boy: What the?!

Inkling Girl: Hey!

Kirby: Uh oh...

Kirby then quickly ran off, with the two Inklings chasing him from behind.

Inklings: Get it!


As Kirby ran through the park to try and lose the Inklings chasing him, the Inklings decided to come up with a plan.

Inkling Girl: How about you ink the ground in front of it, then I'll get it's attention to make sure it slips?

Inkling Boy: Fine by me.

The Inkling Boy proceeded to ink the ground in front of Kirby, then the Inkling Girl got his attention.

Inkling Girl: Hey!

Kirby turned around for a quick second, but it was long enough to ensure that he'd slip on the ink. After falling, the two Inklings took aim at Kirby once again.

Inkling Girl: Alright, now hold still so I can splat you, you walking ball.

Inkling Boy: How come you get to splat it? I'm the one who tripped it with my ink.

Inkling Girl: But I'm the one who SUGGESTED that.

Kirby: Leave me alone! I just wanna go back home!

Inklings: Then why don't you just go home?!

Kirby: BECAUSE I CAN'T! I wanna go home more than anything, but I just CAN'T.

Tearing up, Kirby jumped up and flew into a nearby tree.

Kirby: I don't wanna hurt anybody here, and I'm sorry for going through your food, I was just so hungry.

The two Inklings looked at Kirby, then back at each other. Realizing how harsh they had been, they both began to feel bad.

Inkling Boy: Hey, maybe you could come down from that tree?

Kirby: No.

Inkling Girl: We were just worried that you could be dangerous. Please come down.

Kirby: No.

Inklings: Look, we're sorry, ok? Will you please come down?


Kirby slowly floated down towards the two Inklings. Upon landing, he stepped back a bit, unsure if he could fully trust them.

Inkling Girl: Hey, little friend.

Inkling Boy: Sorry for startling you. We just weren't sure if it was safe to let something like yourself wander around.

Inkling Girl: Can you forgive us?

Kirby looked at their faces, seeing the guilt in their eyes. He decided that their actions were forgivable, and that he didn't want them to feel guilty.

Kirby: I forgive you. But I think I should be asking, if you two would forgive ME.

Inkling Boy: Don't worry about it. You just wanted something to eat. We forgive you.

Kirby: By the way, I have a name you know.

Inkling Girl: What is it?

Kirby: Kirby!

Inkling Boy: Kirby. It has a nice ring to it.

Inkling Girl: Well Kirby, welcome to Inkopolis.

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