Chapter 14: Octoling: Friend or Foe?

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Once out of the Kettle, Kirby found himself in another familiar place.

Kirby: This is Blackbelly Skatepark. No time to enjoy the sunrise. Gotta grab the Zapfish and go!

Immediately Kirby sprang into action, inking a path to the enemy base, while splatting any Octolings in his way.

Kirby: Sorry Octolings. But I don't have time to see how you decorated this place. I'm on a time crunch scenario here.

Elite Octoling: Too bad. We insist that you see our decorations. After all, if you're friends care about the Cap'n, they'll surrender you to us. You may as well surrender yourself now, save your friends the trouble.

Kirby: I'd NEVER willingly surrender to anyone! And I demand an answer! Why'd you guys kidnap Cap'n Cuttlefish?!

Elite Octoling: To see what you're friends are willing to part with. You or the Cap'n.

Kirby: That's just twisted. No way I'll let Cap'n Cuttlefish bite the dust.

Elite Octoling: Of course you wouldn't. Not when your chance of getting home is at stake.

Kirby: How'd you know about that?!

Elite Octoling: That's a question for another time. Bye for now, Kirby.

With that, the Elite Octoling ran off.

Kirby: Argh. She's gone. But at least I have some info as to why they kidnapped the Cap'n. Back to the matter at hand, the Zapfish.

But before he could continue, an announcement blared on the intercom.

Elite Octoling: Attention Octolings, upon his defeat, Kirby is to be captured immediately!

Kirby: Well that's just peachy.

Kirby then continued to head toward the enemy base to reach the Zapfish. Once at the base, he was once again cornered by Octolings.

Kirby: This again eh? That's fine.

Kirby pulled out two brass bells, and coated them with ink.

Kirby: Time for some music!

He swung the inky bells in circles, causing them to make sound waves which splatted the Octolings. Before long, there was only one Octoling left.

Kirby: Alright, hold still you tricky Octopus.

Octoling: Wait! Hold your fire!

Kirby: Huh?

Octoling: Please don't hurt me. I don't wanna hurt you, I only wanna help.

Kirby looked at the Octoling in front of him. He could see that even with her goggles on, she had a look of fear on her face.

Kirby: Wait right here. I have a Zapfish to save.

Octoling: Yes of course. It's up there.

She pointed Kirby in the direction of the Zapfish. He then grabbed it and began to head back to Octo Valley. Before leaving the Skatepark, he called out to the scared Octoling.

Kirby: C'mon. I think we should have a chat.

Octoling: Oh, okay.

Once back at Octo Valley, Kirby thanked the Octoling for telling him the Zapfish's location.

Kirby: So, thanks for pointing me in the direction of the Zapfish. But why'd you do it? Aren't you supposed to capture me? After all I'm...

Octoling: I know who you are, Kirby. I've been studying you from afar for a little while now.

Kirby: Oh, so YOU'RE why I felt like I was being watched.

Octoling: Yes. I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable in any way.

Kirby: No no. It's fine. But still, why'd you help me? And by the way, what's your name?

Octoling: My name? It's... Liza. And I helped you because, you seemed like you could use a helping hand.

Kirby: Well Liza, I suppose you're right. I kinda feel alone. I've been doing my best to help the Squidbeak Splatoon, but Agent 2 thinks the Cap'n getting kidnapped is my fault.

Liza: Don't be too hard on yourself Kirby. Everyone makes mistakes, Agent 2's was pinning the blame on you alone.

Kirby: Y'know, you're pretty nice compared to the other Octolings I've seen.

Liza: Thanks.

Liza gave Kirby a quick hug.

Kirby: What's this for.

Liza: For being kind to me, even though you didn't have to. It might be a bit much to ask Kirby, but, would you like to be friends?

Kirby closed his eyes and returned the hug.

Kirby: I could sure use a friend in this time.

Liza: Thank you Kirby.

Kirby: No Liza, thank you.

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