Chapter 11: The Dreaded Octonozzle

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Back at Cuttlefish Cabin, Kirby told Agents 1 & 2 that the Boss Kettle was now open.

Kirby: The Boss Kettle is open now Agents.

Agent 1: Nice!

Agent 2: Agent 1 & I are rested up now. Should we deal with this boss together?

Mikey: Let's do it!

Kate: We're ready for this!

Kirby: Let's go then!

Entering the boss arena, the Zapfish was once again above a strange machine. In seconds, a tentacle inside the machine grabbed the Zapfish, and the machine slowly activated.

Agents 1 & 2: It's the Dreaded Octonozzle!

The Octonozzle revealed a smaller tentacle on its body, and began shooting orbs of ink at the Agents.

Mikey: That small tentacle must be a weak spot. I'll try to hit it!

Kate: Everyone cover Mikey!

Kirby, Kate, and Agents 1 & 2 distracted the Octonozzle, in order for Mikey to shoot it's weak spot. With the small tentacle gone, the Octonozzle fell down, revealing the big tentacle atop its head.

Kate: Agent 1, c'mon!

Agent 1: Right!

Kate & Agent 1 began to ink the sides of the Octonozzle, then quickly swam up and splatted the tentacle.

Agent 1: Alright.

Kate: Phase 2.

The Octonozzle then stretched its body to reveal more small tentacles.

Kirby: Look. More small tentacles.

Kate: I'll get the small tentacles. Cover me!

The Agents repeated their strategy, though the Octonozzle began to shoot inky orbs more often & faster. With both small tentacles popped, the Octonozzle revealed its weak spot once again.

Agent 2: Agent Blue, if you would.

Mikey: Certainly.

Agent 2 & Mikey then inked the Octonozzle's sides, and splatted the tentacle.

Mikey: Phase 3.

Agent 2: This is it.

Once again, the Octonozzle stretched itself and revealed the small tentacles. Only this time, there were more tentacles on each section.

Mikey: Great. Now there's more tentacles.

Kate: Well it's the same gimmick.

Kirby: I'll take care of this. Gimme a distraction.

The Octonozzle's attacks became even more frequent and wider in spread. Regardless, the Agents bought Kirby time to pop all 4 of the small tentacles, which revealed the Octonozzle's weak spot one final time.

Kirby: Time for the final blow!

Kirby inked the Octonozzle's sides, climbed up & splatted the tentacle.

Kirby: Done & done.

Kate: Nice one Kirby.

Mikey: Another boss defeated.

Agent 1: You're pretty good, Agent Pink.

Agent 2: Bravo.

Kirby: I got the Zapfish, so let's get outta here.

The Agents took their leave for Cuttlefish Cabin, deciding to chat on their way back.

Agent 2: You three are stronger than I thought.

Kate: That's cuz we have each other.

Mikey: Teamwork is a superpower after all.

Agent 1: You guys make a good team.

Kirby: Well together, all 5 of us make a GREAT team. The Cap'n will be glad to know we work together so well.

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