Chapter 18: Agent Pink Returns!

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The next day, Kirby rushed straight to Octo Valley with Mikey & Kate. When greeted by Agents 1 & 2, he shouted in excitement.


Agent 1: Somebody sure is energetic to get back to work.

Agent 2: Alright, at ease Agent Pink.

Shortly after, Kate & Mikey arrived in Octo Valley.

Mikey: Sheesh Kirby. You didn't have to run off so fast.

Kate: You could've waited for us to be ready.

Kirby: No time for that! Not on my first day back to work! Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to find some Kettles.

Kirby quickly ran off to search for the Kettles, leaving the other 4 Agents behind him.

Mikey: He's always shown lots of energy in his movements.

Kate: He's just excited to be back here as a normal Agent.

Agent 1: But does Kirby have to run off so quickly?

Agent 2: He's got way too much energy for his own good.

Liza overheard the Agents conversing & explained what she believed.

Liza: I don't know, I think Kirby has plenty of energy needed for this task. He's just so energetic, & I think it's a little cute.

Mikey: Kirby does give off this strange aura of cuteness now that you mention it, Liza.

Kate: We should probably catch up to Kirby.

Liza: Tell him I said hi.

Agent 1: Will do.

Agent 2: Stay safe.

With that, the Agents caught up to Kirby and they continued searching for the Kettles. Eventually upon finding 5 Kettles, Kirby devised a plan.

Kirby: I say we split up. We've found 5 Kettles so far, so let's all take one each.

Kate: Okay. I'll take the Propeller Lift Fortress.

Agent 2: I can take on the Octosniper Ramparts.

Agent 1: I'm gonna take on the Spinning Spreaders.

Mikey: I'll take on the Tumbling Splatforms.

Kirby: That leaves me with the Octostriker mission.

Agents: 1. 2. 3. BREAK!

With that, the Agents split up, each heading toward their designated Kettle.

Agent 1: These spinning Spreaders aren't too dangerous. But they do make me a little nauseous... urp.

Mikey: These Splatforms aren't half bad. A little too slow for my liking, but they're cool.

Kate: These Propeller Lifts are super fun.

Agent 2: These Octosnipers are really easy for me to deal with.

Kirby: This Octostriker is no problem. I've fought TREES & CLOUDS tougher than this guy!

One by one the Agents all finished their missions, reclaiming the Zapfish in each Kettle. Miraculously, all 5 Agents returned to Octo Valley, Zapfish in hand, at the same time.

Kirby: See guys. I told you we all make a great team. We all got back at the same time.

Mikey: Is it me, or are the missions really fun when they should be serious?

Agent 1: Who cares? Those missions were fun.

Agent 2: I haven't enjoyed myself like that in a while.

Kate: Those were fun, but we still need one more Zapfish to open the Boss Kettle.

Kirby: Oh yeah. I almost forgot about the one NOT fun type of mission. The Octoling mission. Well, you guys just wait for me to get back. Then we'll take down the next Great Octoweapon.

No hesitation, Kirby entered the next Kettle, ready to face the Octolings waiting for him.

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