What if... *3k Milestone Special!* •oneshot•

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Im so tired these day even when I'm doing nothing 🤣
Hope you enjoy the story..

Edit: I realized I forgotten to flex that I drew the thumbnail-
So proud of my improvement~


Your Pov

"What are you doing here..?"

A shaky voice with the slight hint of concern asked. I could tell that the voice came from a young boy. His voice was soft and kind, unlike any I've heard before.

Where am I?

I couldn't help but think. The surrounding buildings had all collapsed. The trees were all dying. Even the few people left were dissolving into dust. Screams sliced the sky...

It was terrible.

What happened here..?

I walked up to the boy to join him looking down at the waste land below us. On one of the few buildings left, facing the sun set, the dreaded town below us really looked like a ghost town..

I looked to my side and I don't even need to say who it is. With his faded purple eyes, he looked at me and I could almost felt the sadness and sorrow emitting from the ground boy.

"You shouldn't be here.."

He had a smoothing voice, it was soft but firm. A moment of silence floated in the air before I gained the courage the speak,

"What happened here?"

He looked at me behind a smile I can tell was fake. With the cheery look he always had and his left hand on his waist, he turned to face me, and took a quick breath,

"Have you ever wonder what happens..
To a franchise..
when it ends..?"

A gentle voice, but even with that smile on him..

tears began flowing down his cheeks.

I didn't know how to feel. I looked at him curiously as he wiped off his tears with his arm.

"We were never real to begin with..

But someone with great imagination created us and gave birth to many different parrellel universes. You may not noticed us.. but we are always by your side.

But now that we're slowly being forgotten, we aren't need anymore..


we disappear.

Forgotten and lost through space and time..

This may sound selfish to you but..

I'm scared..

I don't want to disappear..

I want to stay with you..

I want to make more memories with you..

I want to have more buddyfight with you!!"


He was shaking..

He was crying..

and I couldn't do anything..

"oh.. It seems I have rumbled on again..

Im sorry-"

I pulled him into a hug. It was warm and nice.. Light..

"There's no need to be sorry..

You and everyone else has made such a big difference to my life..

You changed my life.

I'll never forget you."

We embraced each other in a tight hug, comforting each other with our warmth.

This feeling..

I don't want it to stop.

I looked up at him to see his smile one last time.

So pure and truthful..

I felt his hand on my cheeks as he wiped off my tears using his thumbs.

His hand was beginning to turn to dust..


"It's ok..

Thanks to you..

I'll have no regrets.

I'm glad I could make you happy.. "

I pulled him closer and tighter as he faded away..


I felt a light kiss on my forehead then..

he was gone.

"We'll never forget you!"

"Smile, Y/n.."

He was gone..

Just like that.

We barely met..

We were borned in different universes.

and yet..

I miss him...


AHAHHA this was supposed to be a sad story LOLOLOL HELPPP...

I hoped you enjoy!

With thattt



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