Awakening Darkness

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Light's POV

I was ín Y/n's room when I heard Geil's footsteps walking towards me. The clock just struck 8pm... and Y/N hasn't come home..

" Something seems to be bothering you Light "

I stood up from the matress I was lying on and frowned.

" I just have I bad feeling Y/n's in trouble... "


Author's POV

You were halfway through the forest as the sun started setting. The sky started turning and dark shade of blue. You were skipping one by one on the mossy rocks- being careful not to slip and fall.

" CREAK !! "

I sharp sound pierced through the sky. Your heart skipped a beat so you lost balance and felt into the river next to the rocks.

" Argh... " You got up and tried to shake the water off, " I'm all wet now.. "

The water from your clothes started dripping onto the mossy ground.

" Try being more careful next time, will ya? " Your buddy said as he walked up to you.

Both of you walked away from the river as you sat down and started squeezing your clothes dry. Your buddy set up some fire wood and made a fire so you wouldn't be so cold.

" But you heard that right? " You asked your buddy.

As Flash was going to answer, another 'CRACK!!' pierced the night sky.

' Grrrrrrrrrr ' Your buddy held up his wings guarding you and growled.  His red eyes glowed in the night making him seem more menacing.

" Ahahahaha! " I chuckled came from behind the bushes. " You're putting on quite a show you know? " Footsteps slowly getting louder as the being approaches you.

' Grrrrrrrr '

Shivers went down your spine as you saw a shadow figure emerged from behind a tree.

" What's the matter? Don't you miss me?? Aren't we old friends? You don't remember me right...... Y/n-Chan~ "

You looked up to see the red haired boy looking down with his arms open and velvet eyes glazing at you.

(Something like this but different

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(Something like this but different... I'll draw him one day one day..)

" ....Noble? " You muttered.

" Oh... I don't go by that name anymore... how those.. Karma sound?.. " He said and started walking closer.

" Stop right there! That's close enough.. Stay back! Or else.. grrrr.. " Flash growled, " What do you want from us? "

" Aw~ Flash, you should know by now want I want... "  The boy said as a dark shadow jumped out and pinned Flash to the ground.

" Miss me Flash?! "

" Shadow! Let go of me this instead! Grr.. "

The boy walked up to you and use a finger and lifted up your chin. You gulped down some saliva as cold sweat dripped down your forehead.

" I'm here to take back what has always been mine~ "



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