Blank Release

133 3 6

Challenge Accepted @Musique_Me .

but imma triple it..


Author's POV

You groaned as you heard a familiar voice echoed in the air. 

You were lying on your side and struggled to get a clear image of what was happening.

You could feel the rain gently dripping down your skin and the sound of each rain drop falling to the ground. 

When you tried to open your eyes, your vision was blurry but you could make out what seemed to be a pair of shoes someone is wearing with a purple figure next to it.

The rain continued to drizzle getting heavier and heavier as the time passed.

Whoever the shoes belonged to began to step closer- creating a splash each time their shoes reached the ground.

You tried to left your head to see who it was but your whole entire body felt sore.

It was aching a over but you tried to get a glance at who was in front of you.


(You get the idea-)



The footsteps stop.

You were tired and drenched but you can't help to wonder what was going to happen to you.

You was afraid.

But you were also alone.

With a stranger than gave an almost devilish aura.

With your blurry version, you looked up to see that someone glazing down on you.

"I'll take this", a familiar voice echoed the alleyway.

The person took out a card for your deck and threw the rest on the ground and soak in the rain.

You would normally stop whoever that did that but it was like all the energy in your body left you..

You couldn't do anything..

but it watch your precious cards soak in the rain..

"Wait.. arggh..", you managed goan out.

"I've finally beaten you.. Y/n Ozora.."

The person slowly began to walk away laughing.

The laugher became more and more distant but it continued to echo through your mind..

"I've finally beaten you.. Y/n Ozora.."


Light.. "

You mumbled out their names, hoping they'll come and maybe save you.

Even though you know that they won't come, the  slightest hope left it your heart begged for them to hear your distant cries.

Your mind started to black out and your eyes fluttered shut.

A sudden thought filled my head..

Is this the end for me?..

Light Kurouzu X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now